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five - very public emotional episodes

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five - very public emotional episodes

tw - mentions of drug use, abuse, needles, death

elle woke up the next morning to her phone ringing. she saw claire's contact pop up on her phone and she already knew why she was ringing her so early. 

her voice came out muffled as she leant into her pillow, "what claire?"

"i'm glad you're sleeping in a little, but i really need you to take zach and gray today as well," she told. 

yep. she guessed it. she loved claire, but god she could be unreliable. elle appreciated it was impossible to be a woman in a high up position for a place like jurassic world, or anywhere because women were not afforded the same opportunities as men, but she wished it let her have a social life. work came first. it always would for claire. elle understood that and was never harsh when she cancelled or told her that she couldn't help her with her homework or her studying or whatever it was that elle needed but she knew gray would not be the same. 

the boy was going to be devastated. 

elle rolled over, letting her eyes adjust to the darkness, "fine. but am i explaining it to them or will you?"

claire paused, "i was hoping you would."

"ugh, claire. you're lucky you're one of my favourite people on this island. fine, but if gray cries i am burning this entire place to the ground."

"just make sure you evacuate people first," claire replied. 

elle rolled her eyes, "bye claire."


five minutes had passed since elle had arrived at the boys' hotel room. she had been staring at the number, slowly gathering the courage to knock. she was dreading telling gray that claire had ditched him again. 

she didn't give a shit what zach thought. sure, the whole calling him jack thing had started as a joke but now she was sure he was an asshole. 

she'd witnessed him bully his brother too much to think it was just a sibling thing. it was a zach thing. and zach was a dick.

with a deep breath, she knocked. 

the only upside to the entire situation was that her lunchtime shift was being covered so she could babysit. less dinosaur faeces to shovel. but she was replacing one shit with another. 

and that shit answered the door. she let out a breath of relief, glad she had someone to face before gray. she was definitely procrastinating. 

"what are you doing here?" he asked.

she was taken aback by his tone, "hello to you too, jack. not loving the greeting since i am babysitting you again today."


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