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eleven - teenage billionare

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eleven - teenage billionare

it was dark again by the time they got to the velociraptor paddock. they were told to wait in the car but elle didn't listen to a word he said. she gave them a minute before she stormed out after him. the adults were getting nowhere and she'd been left alone in her inner turmoil for too long. she was angry and sad and everything in between and she was prone to lash out. it was something she'd begun to do when family after family decided she wasn't for them. like she was a shirt they didn't like and wanted to return. 

so, as a child, she never learnt to deal with the rejection and the wave of emotions. and with the lack of emotional control when she felt everything too strong, she tended to not think before she did.

and she did before she thought in that moment. 

"what are you-"

zach was cut off by elle slamming her door shut. she marched over there. 

"well, if it isn't little elle-" hoskins, the head of ingen, the man who had wanted an excuse to set the raptors loose began. he was cut off as elle's fist connected with the side of his face.

"don't call me little you sexist pig," she screamed. "i may be short but i own this park now, bitch."

owen pulled her back, "you came in way too strong there."

"sorry, i don't really have a handle on my emotions right now, i've almost died too many fucking times. so actually i'm not sorry," she rambled. "you should be sorry because my dad is dead and he left me the park in the will. so i can come in as strong as i want to."

"this is an ingen situation now. okay, there are going to be cruise ships that show up here at first light. everybody's going to get off this island. you're going to watch a news story tomorrow about how you all saved lives. no, no, no, better yet... how your animals saved lives," hoskins ranted. 

elle wiped her face, "you spit when you talk."

"listen here," hoskins began, pointing a meaty finger in her face. she snapped her teeth at him, making him flinch away, thinking she was going to try and bite his finger off. he'd heard stories about her and her upbringing, so he wasn't going to risk it. 

barry, another man who worked with the raptors turned to owen, "they've never been out of containment. it's crazy."

"let's move it out," hoskins yelled. he turned back around, getting in owen's face. "this is happening. with or without you."

owen shook his head, "no it's not. you need the owner's permission, you're not the owner."

"i don't give a shit about what some disty teenage girl wants," hoskins spat. 

"hoskins, you're fired," elle deadpanned. "for..."

"insubordination," claire coughed. 

"insubordination," elle repeated. "unless you apologise. then maybe i'll consider giving this the go ahead."

hoskins gritted his teeth, knowing she was technically in charge if the will was real. and he didn't doubt that it was. simon masrani was stupid enough to leave everything to the kid. that and upon his death, the company lawyers had revealed almost straight away that she did own everything. it was a fast moving process. the lawyer was somewhere near the paddock as well. poor guy, but he was on the island because of the new exhibit anyway.

owen pulled elle to the side, "i think we should do it. it's our only shot-"

"you believe it'll work?" elle interrupted. 


"and you'll be safe."


"okay, but hoskins has to apologise first. i wanna see the man suffer. i hope one of the girls eats him," she seethed. 

owen hid a smile, "okay, hoskins. i'm in but only if elle gets that apology, after all no her, no mission."

hoskins gritted his teeth once more, "i'm sorry."


"calling you ditsy..."


"being insubordinate."

elle smiled, "great. owen's in charge."


elle wasn't expecting to be approached by a lawyer mere hours after finding out her adoptive father had died a fiery, explosive death. but she had been. she was discussing everything with the poor man who looked scared to death. she got everything. she got ingen, and the park, and all his money. she knew this meant she would be dealing with the pile of lawsuits jurassic world would get but she planned to buy somewhere to live and then get a job and let the rest of the money go to the victims and the families who had suffered. she was not keeping that amount of money, she thought people as wealthy as simon needed to distribute their earnings. no one needed billions. 

she definitely didn't.

"so, just sign here and it's all yours," the lawyer informed. 

elle did as he said, "thanks and sorry you're stuck here."

"it's not your fault, but to warn you, when they go after jurassic world, which they will, they'll be going after you as well," he told. 

she nodded, "i know and i plan to give them everything." 

the lawyer did nothing but nod, there's was nothing to say at that moment. he said a quick goodbye and elle was left alone for the first time that day. she sat down, holding her head in her hands. her dad was dead and she was alone again. well, she had never really not been alone, since she was a publicity adoption but at least she knew she had someone, sort of. 

now he was dead.

"hey, um, can i sit?" zach asked. 

elle looked up, wiping away her tears, "yeah."

"you okay?"

"my dad's dead. and i just had to sign so many things to get the park in my name so not really."


elle sighed, leaning her head on his shoulder, "but thank you for asking. are you okay?"

"i'm scared, so not really," he admitted.  

"so am i." she stood up, holding out her hand. "come with me. meet the raptors."


elle was watching owen with blue, zach and gray next to her. 

"owen," gray called out. the man turned to them and walked over. "are they safe?"

"no they're not," owen answered. "and don't listen to elle when she says they're cute."

"they are cute, especially echo," she argued, waving at the raptor that purred in response. "see, she likes me."

"strangely enough she does," owen revealed. 

"what are their names?" zach asked.

"well, you got charlie," owen started, pointing to each raptor in turn. "there's echo. here is delta. this one's called blue, she's the beta."

"don't ask," elle warned. 

"who's the alpha?" gray questioned. 

"and he asked."

"you're looking at him, kid," owen replied. he turned to elle. "i'm gathering that was the lawyer."

"yep. you're looking at the not-so-proud and extremely guilt-ridden new owner of jurassic world, and also teenage billionaire," she quipped. "the money is going straight to the victims and their families when we get off this island though."

"no one needs to be a billionaire anyway," owen reminded.

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