Chapter 5: Invasion of Xi Shang

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5 months past since the victory at Yuru castle, we took stationed at Ji Province. A large woody type area with lots of dark places to place ambushes. A which was used against us. Me, Rainbow and Shoa Pi we're leading a supply unit to Gian Zhi In Brook Castle located in south Ji province. Defeating the enemy but with a cost, we lost half our supplies and had no choice put to restock at the city of Xi Shang. Xi Shang was heavily poverty community, but with large thick walls. When we got there, everything was totaled and city gates were smashed down and smoke filled the air. "This place Is worst than I expected" Shoa Pi said, looking across the area. " I believe this was attacked, and the looks of things we got wrecked." Rainbow sighed before continuing" What now, guys?". " We look for the attackers if their still in the city" I say before leading the way. The followed with about 7 others.

We searched half the city and found nothing, but Shoa Pi kept saying he had a bad feeling about this. When we reached the city hall the road fell under us and I landed on my arm, that was a terrible feeling and things got worst. Above the hole was 8 bodies and all weapons pointed down at us. With 2 died in the fall and another injured, we stood up to face our foes. " Show your faces, cowardly fools" yelled Shoa Pi swinging his staff. My pain was temporary and I stood up then joined the others. "You guys better surrender or die trying to make a difference" said a female voice. One of the enemies stepped up and ready her bow. She fired at me and a deflected it with my spear. We climbed out the hole and clashed blades with them. With a couple of dodges I disarmed one of them and kicked him in the chest. I turned around and a arrow hit me and my arm, I fell down to my knees. "You rebels always bringing chaos to our land!" The same voice said and continued " Your rebellion against the Emperor had cause great pain to the government and us. We can't stand around and let you and the Emperors dumb armies wreck the land and cause this cause". She ready the arrow again and prepared to take my life. "Fei!" Yelled Shoa Pi before running to my aid, but to late the arrow fired. It came to me fast as the wind and nearly reached me, I saw a tip of a blade cut the arrow in half and the broken arrow hit me. "Wha.." I didn't finish my sentence before Rainbow helped me up. Shoa Pi came to us and asked me if I was ok, and I replied with a nod.

"We got to get Zhoa Fei out of here Shoa Pi" Said Rainbow and Shoa Pi nodded in agreement. My arm was bleeding and my cotton arm sleeves Was covered in it. We managed to escape and reach the gates and before we went out the gate the Female Archer jumped in our path. With an arrow in her bow she says "Zhoa Fei" and she points to me " You must be Rainbow Sparkle and Shoa Pi? I am Kate, and my Friends call me Super. I guess I will put a end to all three of you right now" she said revealing her face. "Katie? Is it dear(Kate) well you'll have to take us three on alone since we killed your other friends" said Rainbow. Firing an arrow at Rainbow, Kate did a smirk. Letting go of my arm Rainbow kicked the arrow in the air and bring out her sword. Kate smirk disappeared and fired three arrows back to back at Rainbow who was charging at her. Dodging 2 and deflecting the last one Rainbow engaged in hand to hand combat. A couple of miss punches from both of them ended when Rainbow kicked Kate and leaved her sliding back on her legs. "For my Friends, For my Family, For the sake of that I can not lose" yelled Kate before tossing 5 throwing knives at Rainbow who dodged before kicked by Kate. Both hurt and trying to be strong, they both again ran at each other and tried a punch. But in the middle was Diang He with a person we fought early who caught both of their punches. "Ma Zhao? How could y..." Kate was interrupted by a kicked to the gut Knocking her down.Meanwhile Shoa Pi had soothed the pain in my arm and limited the bleeding, and removed the arrow. "Can you fight, Fei?" he asks me. "I'm fine I can help some.." I replied. Kate and Rainbow was getting beaten horribly when Shoa Pi came in knocking both of them down with his staff. " You guys dare hit a women no alone two, I shall teach you a thing about manners" Shoa Pi said to them. Pi fought them off awhile in a dominate fashion before getting wounded by arrow deflected from Diang He. "Shoa Pi!" We yelled while he grabbed his arm. Ma Zhao walked up to Shoa Pi who looked him in the eyes and tried to kill him.

I quickly wobble fashion ran closer to Ma Zhoa and hurdled my spear and hit Ma Zhao in the back killing him. Diang He realizing that looked he was trying compared to our previous meeting, but he seem to by time. By time... I managed to run over to the gate and saw a large army marching towards the city, my eyes widen and I yelled " Guys, his reinforcement are coming we need to leave the city". Diang He ran at me and swung his pole axe at me but I dodge at and kicked him down the hill outside the city. "Let's go" I signaled before running over to help Shoa Pi up" We need to get out of the city towarda the the other end of the city" I said. We started hearing the enemies coming close. We starting running down a alley before Kate stop us. "Look I'm sorry for harming you guys" she said, "It's ok, it's better to keep hurt by flower like yourself " said Shoa Pi. Kate blushed and then Rainbow said " All is forgiven, now let's get this two out of here". While we continue escaping Kate asked if she can join our Rebellion since her members of her group are all dead now. I was thinking about these drastic turn in events and remembered about that underground passage that the Zhen Fighters knew about and we headed there.

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