Chapter 13: I am Zhoa Zhang

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"Father!" I say running over to him as he collapses in his office. "Are you OK?" I saw scanning his body, "I'M ok" he answers rubbing his beard"My time is nearly over but I will avenge my cousin. Diang He I want you to find him my son and let me know," My father Zhoa Fei says. My father was looking for Diang He for 25 years but he seemed to vanished from the war. Until now scouts have find that vermin trryimgnthe hide at Keiy Castle inside Zho Zhu's territory. Zhoa Fei ordered us to attack Keiy Castle and he will be in control of the battle, I plead with him not to go into battle. But he was too happy to get his revenge on Diang He for the years of suffering he put him to, "C'mon Brothers we shall put an end to Diang He!"Father says before leading the charge on his horse, I followed on my black horse and Dual swords in hands charging into the heart of the enemy's forces. 

The defenses was thick and very tough to penetrate, but our forces made it through. I jumped of my horse  and immediately a soldier ran up to me, I skillfully disarmed him and stabbed him in the chest. "This is weird the enemy forces are softening, retreat?" I say to myself looking around the battlefield. In the corner of my eyes I saw Zhoa Fei fall to one knee, I run over to him. "Father?! Are you ok?" I say helping him up, "yes... I will not die here. Crash through that castle! Victory will be ours!" He yells out loud before coughing and walking towards the castle. "We must quickly finish off the enemy, Father looks sick, troubling times" I think to myself and run and follow. 

An hour later we finally captured Diang He,"Zhoa Fei, 25 years and you finally found me. Disgraceful you shouldn't be here right now" Diang He taunted on his knees while his arms were tied together. Father Fei coughed and Diang He laughed, "The end for you is near Fei, and you know it" Diang He said before he was hit on his head. "Diang He, you were a warrior, but you were to blind" Zhoa Fei says shocking Diang He, " Zho Zhu cared only for himself and used you to get where he is now". Father Fei arched his spear and pierced Diang He in the chest and collapsed. "Zhang, here me take care of this kingdom and your brother, you shall lead this kingdom into peace.... Uh.... And .... Virtue. All of you it was an honor to fight beside.... You all. I can not hang the stress of this kingdom on my shoulders any longer. For honor... For family... For Zho! Take care... Uh" those was his last words to us all.

Months later of my Fathers passing I took control of the kingdom and pushed the enemy back to form a strong defenses around the borders. Sitting on my throne my young Brother Zhoa Pi came up to me, he had turned 19 last months and took up the strategy part of the family. "Brother Zhang, scouts say that enemy forces are pulling back from their attacks" he says. "Indeed they are brother tell me, what partake of these events?" I ask. He stands and glances back and forth at my advisor  Jia He and General Jianyun. "Brother..." He stammers "I'd say the enemies trying to sucker you into believing, that their actually retreating" he says. "Really okay? if you believe so we will not pursue and watch the enemy." I say excusing him to leave, "also Happy late birthday" I say as he begins to leave. He turns around with a smile and I think to myself about the changes this kingdoms have faced in the curr

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