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Reuniting with the euphoria cast had become chaos, between the girls catching up, last minuet line reads, and a new cast member, everyone was ecstatic. Maddie was sitting in a circle surrounded by Sydney, Hunter, Barbie, and Alexa. They hadn't seen each other in over a year, so the 5 of them were updating each other on the last 12 months of their lives.

Maddies mental illness had crumbled apart, filming stopped, her mother died, and her boyfriend had become abusive. "Not much happened, guys!" She lied. Everyone knew about her mum, but she kept everything else quiet. She didn't want their concern.

Dominic was still talking to the set managers, signing forms and acting like he was really listening and not high. He had a sobriety coach like everybody, but after all, they are actors.
Dominic's life wasn't perfect at this point, but definitely better than it has previously been, he's greatful to be where he is.

Maddie and Dominic learn that they share a few scenes together they were both excited. However, maddies boyfriend was not if anything he was the completely enraged.

"Baby it's like, 5 scenes max with him! Why do you even worry"

"Cause. I've told you how I feel bout you bein round other guys"

You can imagine where that conversation got her. If she lied to him about it, he'd show up at the set and find out. Trust me, she tried that last year. She's unsure what happened, but one day, he just. Switched.
Suddenly, he became controlling, physically abusive, and dunk. Often.

The first scene she had to film was with zendaya and Dominic. They were sat outside a house party with a blazing fire in front of them. It was a pretty quick shot for Dominic and Maddie as they both exit as Jules confronts rue.

"Uh hey, I don't think I've actually introduced myself. Dominic" he extends his arm for hers.

"Maddie. Look forward to workin' with you" she connected her arm with his, his hand was warm and calloused.

Their introduction was cut short as her manager pulled her aside. Maddie looked over her shoulder back at Dominic as they exchanged a quick smile.

On her way home that night all she could think about was a specific tattooed face.
That was before she walked into a trashed home.

A/n omg hi. This story will be probably be slow to getting to the point, but I'm trying hard to make it a full length story. I am currently finishing up uni and going to graduate in a few months so if I'm still doing this I'll try pick it up then.
Feedback is more than welcome !!
Please be patient I am dyslexic and may struggle a little bit.
Much love <3

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