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Maddie was so tired that she didn't wake up when she felt Dominic's body leave her side. Sliding out of the covers and out of her house. She was so tired she didn't wake up when he stumbled back in dropping things and absolutely positive he ruined his plan. Maddie was so tired that even with dominic shaking her body, opening the curtains and even turning lights on.  She still barely woke up.  Dominic smiled, watching her body twist around in the bed, pulling the blankets over her body. He kneeled by the edge of the bed, getting down to her level, thinking of how else to wake her. Usually, he just lets her sleep, but it is almost midday, and he has food cooking and doesn't want to burn her house down. Although,  what a way to wake up. He pulled his hand up towards her face, hesitant at first but gently placing it on her cheek. Rubbing his thumb under her eye. He watched as a small smile appeared on her face. Dominic was still afraid to hurt her, he seconded guessed every movement and word to protect her. He wanted her to trust him again, to believe he could be good for her.

"Come on baby, I got food cooking for you,"

She grumbled very much unhappy to be awake.

"Did you cook it?"

"Yeah, why?"

"Hmm... I don't know about dominic fikes cooking. "

He was shocked at the reply, even half asleep she can be sarcastic.

"Fine, guess all the blueberry pancakes and bacon are for me."

Maddies eyes opened immediately.  Meeting with his face with a snarky smile on it. He knew that was her favorite. 

"You... found blueberries? And brought them? In the economy?"

"Oh come on!"

They both laughed, she didn't want to admit how flustered she was by the gesture.  Very rarely people would cook her food let alone her favorite food. She wasn't even sure if she had told dominic that was her favorite.  She reached out for his hand, pulling herself out of the warmth. He didn't let go though, instead leading her to the kitchen only letting go to tend to the oven. She slowly trailed behind rubbing her eyes. Looking around she noticed that he had replaced her old dead flowers with a beautiful display of fresh flowers. He even tied a ribbon around the neck of the vase.  Next to the flowers was a small whit gift bag. She was in awe.

"Dominic, why did you do all this"

Looking to him he just smiled at her. Plating up the food. She took a seat at the barstool which was accompanied with an assortment of toppings for the pancakes. He even made some shaped like hearts, but it was hard so he didn't do all of them like that.

"Breakfast is served darling"

He had the widest smile plastered on his face. They were both beaming with happiness. He took a seat next to her with his own plate. Grabbing the gift bag and passing it to her. Insisting that she open it. Inside, a chain necklace and matching bracelet. The center of the necklace had a jem which was diamond and lapis.

"I uh, hope you like it"

"Dominic of course I do. You didn't have to do any of this. Why did you?"

He assisted her with putting the necklace on.

"You've just been so good to me recently, and I wanted to prove that I can treat you the way you deserve to be treated"

Maddie was speechless, she had never felt this level of appreciation and care before. She had an understanding of what a true relationship looked like but she never thought she'd be in that situation. 

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