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Angus had enough. He was sick and tired of seeing Maddie destroyed from what dominic did. He wasn't a confrontational person.
Angus talked to the management on set that day, saw when dominic had an empty slot, and decided that it was a good time to talk to him. Spotting dominic across the room, slumped in a cast chair cigarette in hand.


Dominic looks up at Angus as he speaks. Watching his lips move.
Making eye contact with him, he doesn't reply and waits for Angus to continue speaking.

"What happened with you and mads"

Angus spoke with a bitter taste on his tongue. Sitting down in the empty chair next to dominic, he figured this conversation wasn't going to be a short one.

"I don't know what you're talking about. Nothing happened. Just don't talk no more"

"We both know, that's not true. If you were still friends you'd be able to make eye contact with her and still casually talk to her"

"I don't understand what you want from me,"

"Just tell me the truth, that's all I need"

Dominic pinched the skin between his nose in frustration. He was too high to understand the importance of this conversation nor the impact of his actions.

"Look mam I dunno. I just started talking to hunter more, and Maddie less. Shit happens"

Angus gave a nod to dominic and began to walk off. he wasn't satisfied with the awnser but he needed to accept this conversation wasn't going anywhere important. 

Dominic didn't know this, but Angus was smart. He started piecing it together,
Hunter starts hanging out with dominic, dominic less with Maddie, high more frequent. What he didn't realize was how deep this situation was and complicated things were about to get. Angus needed to talk to more people and get to the end of this situation.


Angus had spent all week digging, he believed he has all the information he needed. Except he had one more person to talk to, Hunter. So far the situation is pretty basic, Dominic liked maddie but also Hunter and chose Hunter over Maddie. Fair enough that happens, there was no warning to maddie though whichis the part that upset Angus the most. He had seen her through hell and knows she deserves so much better. He had actully managed to get Hunters number and convince her to grab a coffee together.

Sitting across from eachother making small conversation about work life and genuienly getting to know each other. They are both genuien people, Angus couldnt see any reason for Hunter to affect the situation in this way. He honestly was regretting it a bit, he didnt want to burden her with this.

"I have to say its been really nice meeting with you today, would it be okay if i asked you a question?"

"Of course, I dont bite"

Angus laughed at the comment made by Hunter. It also gave him time to think about how to phrase his question.

"What's the situation between you and Dominic? I noticed you guys got really close"

"can I be honest with you?"

Angus nodded and Hunter shuffled in her seat, leaning over the table to wisper to Angus.

"I dont even like him. I was just jelous"

"What do you mean?"

Angus was incredibly confused, and she had barely said anything. Hunter gave him a malicious smile before coninouing with her side.

"I watched how he had treated maddie so well, and was jelous. He came to me one day wanting a fix and i made a deal with him. Id give him any drug he wanted any time, and he just had to treat me like her and better. I have been spoiled like an absulote princess! We've even been intimate, they never did that."

Angus didnt know how to react, this is completly different to what he knew. Originally he wasnt going to tell maddie about his plan but he needed to tell her this. Although he knows she'll be heart broken more than you could imagine,  but this just changes everything. Dominic was being controlled and forced to ruin a perfectly good friendship and potential relationship.


Hey! sorry been a while, got concussed lol then got stuck with some assesment work but im back ! ive tried for a few days to make this chapter long and meaningful for the rest of the story but at the end of the day i just want to get something out for you all.
Thank you to all the readers, feedback and votes it genuenly means so much to me. I cant wait to get stuck into the next chapter and i promie ill make it extra long and juicy, we got alot to unpack.
Much love <3

(not proofread)

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