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Maddie was on set, catching up with Angus. She found it important that she did since the last she spoke and saw him she had just been choked by her ex. They both got caught up with busy and opposite schedules.

"Wait, so after that you went and stayed at his house?"

"Yes. Did I not clarify that enough?"

Angus didn't judge Maddie for how soon it may be since she was in her last relationship. He cared that she was happy. They both saw each other like siblings and would do anything for each other.

"And.. what's he like? "

"He's really nice. I just wonder if he actually likes me and is willing to make an effort for me?"

"What else is his mind occupied with?"

"Drugs, like a lot of us"

"True that."

They spent hours catching up, lucky for them filming was behind today so they had plenty of time to talk. Maddie regretted not talking to Angus earlier. She was just so preoccupied with other life aspects to even think about it. Let's be honest. She was head of heels for Dominic. Once Angus was called for his scene, Maddie decided to read over her lines for today's scene. As her eyes flew down the page, she got excited once she read her and dominic would be filming together, in this scene.

Elliot, Rue, and Jules are smoking in Elliots' room. Hazel enters on screen, Rue, and Jules invited her. Knowing the tension Elliot and Hazel have in the show. They spend the night smoking, playing truth, or dear. Hazel and Elliot share a kiss once Rue and Jules leave.

She read that line over and over. Maddie understands she needs to be professional, but she can't help feeling a little but excited. She wondered if she knew this was their scene today or not.


"And action you two"

Maddie was sitting on elliots bed, facing dominic. She'd be lying if her heart rate wasn't excelerated, although she found it weird that dominic hadn't talked to her outside of the scene like he normally would. They'd usually spend 20 minutes before the scene just talking about whatever, even if they both weren't in the scene together. She thought that for a scene like this, he would talk to her about it. She tried finding him prior to filming, but he was nowhere to be seen.
Maddie liked how similar the character is to dominic.

"Why are you just staring at me. Is it the face tats?"

"Oh, no. Maybe? I think they are cool"

"Are you flirting with me hazel?"

Maddie was sitting up and Dominic was laying down but leaning on one arm looking at her. The whole time they maintained eye contact, although dominic was of course high and she barely had his attention.

As they spoke their lines Dominic's hand rose to her face, gently placing it on her cheek. Maddie couldn't help but blushed at this action even though she knew it was acting, it was comforting too.

Slowly the pair leaned in, feeling each other's body heat. Their lips connected, her hand reaching up Dominic's shoulder. The warmth soft ouch of dominics lips made maddie excited and filled with joy, almost like she had been waiting for this moment.


Maddie couldn't help but feel a little disappointed when she felt his lips leave hers. Especailly so sudden. At this point she assumed dominic would wait up for her but he didnt. By the time she reached the cast tent his stuff was gone and he had already taken off.

She was so confused, why was he suddenly acting cold towards her. She tried thinking of all the possibilities, things she could've done wrong, and excuses, but none of it made sense. Maddie wanted to talk to him about this but thought showing up to his house may be a bit confrontational. So she just decided to text him.
To her shock he replied instantly.


Hey, is
everything okay?

I'm chill.

I was meaning
between us but
that too

Oh yeh.
We good

Maddie was second guessing her concern at this point. She believed that dominic would tell her if something was wrong between them. She also believed she didnt need to worry anyway, they still werent dating. Lost and defetead she gathered her things and prepared to head home. Although maddie had a new home, she considered dominics place home over her little, two story, run down, place. She didnt want to go home, she wanted to go back to dominics, lay in his bed with him, cook with him, laugh and joke with him. She was so over the mood for this man that she was totally obvlious to everything around her. To be fair, he treated her pretty well, how could you not fall deeply in love with him, attractive and caring?? dealbreaker!

It was unfornatne for maddie that she had to drive past his place on the way to hers. She tried many ways to avoid it, even looked on google maps but, there was no other way. She was blasting music over the car speakers in hopes she'd be distracted and not look at his place. She knew if she did she'd probably break down then and there, she didnt want that. Being the petty sarcastic person she is she figured she'd give him his own medicine. Little did she know, that meant fucking another coworker behind his back.

hot dam guys, what a way to end a chapter.
I hope this all makes sense
i really appreaciate all the comments ive been getting!! as always, thoughts and reconmendations are welcome!
Much love <3
not proofread.

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