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Pain was pulsating through maddies body, her ears ringing, eyes swollen shut. She could feel a presence near her, but her thoughts were so clouded she had no idea who it could've been. The last 48 hours of her life altered her forever. All she could think of was her darling boyfriend, who wasn't around.


Dominic watched the screen as flight after flight got canceled. After his talk with zendaya, he turned his phone back on, expecting missed calls and texts from Maddie. Which there were, for the first week. Then they stopped. Guilt corrupted his mind, for leaving, turning his phone off and assuming the worst.

As he paced through the airport, he was thinking of every possible way to get back to her. Dominic was so tempted to just jump in a car and drive him there. He figured if he drove fast enough, he could cut the driving time in half and be there tomorrow. Dominic knew it was unsafe for him to drive in the state he was in. He would just have to wait. As every second passed, he thought about Maddie and all the mistakes he had made. He also felt bad for leaving his family so suddenly, especially since they were in a time of need. But they supported him, even had to convince him to go as he felt so drawn between the two. Dominic promised he would be back and this time with Maddie.

Back at home, Angus and zendaya were fighting for a welfare check to happen. Angus wanted to go straight to maddies home, but zendaya begged him not to. If Maddie was in danger, she could've had Angus in the same situation. Thankfully, after 4 days of arguing, Anguses request finally got approved, and they would be checking on Maddie in the morning.

As night approached for all those in the situation, the stress and anxiety rising. Dominic was asking for updates every hour he wasn't on a plane, but unfortunately, there was nothing any of them could do.


Dominic had finally gotten a flight scheduled in 4 hours' time. He couldn't stop thinking the absolute worst and preparing himself. Him and Angus had been talking nonstop, both having hope Maddie is okay, but they both secretly knew she wouldn't be.

Three knocks at zendayas' door disrupted their conversation. Angus kept Dominic on the phone so he could hear what was going on.  Angus pulls the door open, and he sees two officers standing before him. He felt his heart drop, expecting the worst. The welfare check isn't supposed to be until the morning.

"Are you Angus Cloud?"

One of the officers spoke. He was holding the sides of his vest.

"Yes. How can I help?"

"There has been a change in our schedule,  and we are able to perform the welfare check now, and we are aware that you requested to come along..."

The officer paused, taking a breakin casee Angus wanted to speak.

"Which we won't typically allow, but from our understanding, you are the closest family, so we will let it pass."

"That is wonderful news, I will be right out,"

Angus found zendaya curled on the couch. He explained the situation and wrapped his arms around her. They were never the closest pair, but this situation brought them closer than they could've imagined. She begged him to be safe and sane before he swiftly left with the officers. Dominic hung up their call after hearing the information. Although good news, it was nerve-racking knowing the results would come by shortly.

As this occurred, dominic was boarding his flight shortly and won't know the outcome until he lands.

Time seemed too slow as Angus had casual conversation with the officers. They hadn't been on direct contact he had further explained the situation. Zendaya was nervously waiting next to her phone. She felt like she couldn't move from her spot, awaiting that call was the scariest thing she had done.

Angus felt his his whole body stop as the car pulled into maddies driveway. He felt like his body had weights attached, and it almost seemed impossible to get out of the car. He followed the officers to the familiar front door. Memories began to flash into his mind, reminding Angus of who was on the other side.

The officers knocked with no urgency, which angered the young man behind them. He was holding everything in his body to not push them aside and force that door open. They stood there waiting for what felt like hours, but realistically, it was only five minutes. 

"There is a back door we can try?"

Angus spoke, shocked at how shakey his voice was. The officers nodded and allowed him to lead the way. Following the gravel path to the back of the house, Angus attempted to look through any windows but only met the empty inside of maddies house. He was second-guessing that she was even here, and what a waste of time this could be.

The officers knocked on the door once again, but this time, the door moved. It hadn't been closed properly. The three of them took a breath. They were all secretly hoping Maddie would come out, and everything would be okay. But that didn't and won't happen.

Slowly, they all entered the house. Typically, the officers wouldn't enter without the home  owners permission, but with an unlocked and open door, they could. Shattered glass blanketed the floor.
Angus took note of the lingering smell surrounding the home he couldn't pinpoint what it was, but it rang warning bells in his ears. The officers opted to split up, leaving Angus alone with one of them, as he had been in this house many times, he could show the officer anything out of place suggesting where Maddie could be or why. Most of the leading doors were open, and it almost felt like no one had lived here in months. Angus spotted the only closed door at the end of the hallway, which happened to be maddies bedroom. He dreaded opening the closed door, not knowing what was on the other side his imagination was running rampant. Because of this, he hung back and let the officer open the door. He almost felt frozen in place.

The next motions blurred through anguses mind, the officers yelling, sirens surrounding the room.


I'm so sorry this took so long!! In other words, though I saw dominic live recently, and I have gotten inspired to at least finish this story !!

(Not proof read)

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