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With this new found information that Angus has, he needed to find a time to tell Maddie what happened. He wasn't sure if Maddie would even believe him or give dominic another chance. However, Angus figured closure could be helpful.

Unfortunately hunter didn't share her whole plan, getting dominic absolutely fucked on these drugs then leaving him. She wasn't along for a full-time ride. She liked it short and sweet. So here they were, at her place, dominic at her feet begging for something, anything. Trembling, he got off the ground in search for anything. There has to be something in here.

Tearing the apartment apart, as some may say, he was losing his shit. Hunter, with a smile on her face, watched as he rummaged through every possible place, as he flipped tables and smashed glasses.

"You're not going to find anything. It's all gone dominic"

"You're lying. You wouldn't do that to me"

"Oh, but I did, and you fell directly for it. You gave up so much just for drugs. You hurt so many people, you selfish monster."

She was trying to gaslight him, telling him it was his fault. You could say it is, but she didn't tell him to cut Maddie off she just offered her drugs in turn to the treated the same. Although that was ultimately her goal.
Listening to what she said, he paused. The past month of his life was such a blur. He couldn't remember the scenes he did, the people he was working with or had met, the songs he was writing. He was so unbelievably high throughout the whole time. Everything was ruined.

"You.. tricked me."

"Ah, you finally catch on."

Dominic felt so much anger, but the withdrawals were getting to him. After a 5 minute grace period of feeling nonchalant, he stormed over to hunter. The apartment surrounding them was destroyed, the realization killing him, but as he connected the dots, Hunter spoke his thoughts.

"You are a monster, just like maddies ex. Once she finds out what you've done. She will never want you back. Ever dominic. "

"You don't know, maddie,"

"Are you implying she would really take someone he destroys a whole apartment over some drugs? No one would take that back. "

Meanwhile, Angus made his way to Maddies place. They all had a break off from filming, so they hadn't actually seen each other in a few days. As his car pulled up, his grasp remined on the steering wheel. Honestly, he was unsure if this was the right path to take, Maddie was finally getting over the situation and he was about to make it worse, but,  she also deserves to know it's now her fault.

Knocking on the door, he was greeted with Maddie, hair in a messy bun, makeup smeared on her face, holding a doughnut.

She didn't say anything but just stood aside, letting him come in. He politely removed his shoes and made his way to her couch where she had taken her previous spot.

"I wanted to come tell you something,"

She paused the TV and turned to face Angus. It wasn't often he spoke with such a serious tone. It scared her.

"Why, what's up? Did something happen?? Are you okay?"  

"Yeah, no, I'm okay, but something did happen."

Maddie nodded, signally him to continue. He started explaining the situation,  how ot started and why he was digging for information.  He clarified his intentions and that he just wanted to protect Maddie but it had developed to such an intense situation he couldn't continue and for their safety and her mental state, he had to tell her.

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