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Maddie was woken by the sun throwing itself through the curtains. Her head was pounding. She had forgotten she stayed at Angus's house last night. She sat there and just observed the surrounding are, she didn't want to get up so she didn't.

10 unread messages.

Her phone was buzzing through the night and still now, she reached over and grabbed it before rolling back into bed and hiding under the covers. She wasn't trying to hide anything that was just the most comfortable and warm space.

Sydney- 2x New messages.

Hunter - 1x new message.

Zendaya - 4x new messages

Angus - 2x new messages

Unknown number - 1x new message.

She groaned at the thought of explaining what happened to her fellow friends and cast members. She had hidden the previous fights well and everyone was oblivious to her situation.

"Hey Mads, we gotta get going soon. I have some clothes you can wear."

Angus spoke as he came into the room quietly. She forgot she was shooting again today. He threw some of his spare clothes onto the bed and dipped from the room. She decided to quickly reply to her messages and then get ready for the day.

"Thank you Mr cloud"

Sydney <3

Are you okay?
Angus left in a
rush last night?
Mentioned you.

Mads? Let me
know you're safe.

sorry yeah I'm okay.
See you soon.


I hope your okay,
see you tomorrow?

Sorry yeah,
I'll be on set shortly.


Angus said something
happened and rushed off,
is everything okay?

Mads? Reply to
someone please x

I've just seen the
reports. Stay safe.

Angus said you're with him 🙏 please be careful.
I love you.

I love you too Z.

Cloud ☁️


Gotta pull some
strings I'll be
right there

Be there in 5 Mads,
stay safe.

Unknown number:

Hey, it's dominic!
Angus gave me your number.

She decided to not reply to dominic for now,she didn't really gave the energy nor was there point as they'll be on set shortly anyway. Zendaya had mentioned reports, Mads questioned if news traveled that fast but considering the pounds of instagram messages, Twitter comments and emails received. It must've. Maddie got changed and headed into the kitchen where Angus was scrolling his phone, all dressed and prepared for the day.

"Ready to go? Feeling okay?"

"Yeah and yeah, okay enough"


The two of them make it onto set making small conversation as they walk upto the cast tent. Maddie was honestly clueless of what scene was happening today.
As they walked into the tent everyone hushed, obviously news spreads quick. She tried to give everyone a soft smile and just take her seat, picking up her lines.

Everyone began talking again before zendaya made her way over, taking a seat next to Maddie.

"Mads, you okay?"

"I'm ok. It was a long night"

Zendaya was probably the only person other than Angus that Maddie would trust with the situation. But she wasn't going to explain it all right there.

"You don't have to tell me what happened- "

"Me and Mike are done"

Maddie interrupted her, she was still looking down at her papers. She couldn't look into zendayas eyes without breaking down.

"Oh.. Mads have you looked in the mirror?"

"Is that a polite way of telling me I look like shit?"

Maddie giggled after that comment, usually zen would too, but she didn't. Maddie had forgotten what Mike did to her last night. She froze.

"Oh shit. Come with?"

"I don't want to pry but, did Mike do that?"

Maddie and zendaya were standing in the bathroom, using a makeup kit to cover the bruising. Maddie just nodded at zendayas comment.

"I thought you read the repot?"

"I did but only his statement was included, saying he did nothing wrong blah blah blah."

"Of course. Media will do anything to make men look good"

Maddie was finally happy with the coverage and the bruise was no longer visible. As they made their way back into the cast tent zendaya got pulled aside for some scenes. Leaving Maddie with the rest of the cast. She felt like everyone was watching her, they were silent like before but definitely watching. She finally sat back in her seat, giving Angus a smile while they made eye contact.

Wc: 730
A/n again no dominic 😤 I'm sorry. Really tryna build the story!! I promise we'll get to it soon.

Not proofread.

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