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"Look who's fucking home!"

Mikes, voice rang through the house, Maddie couldn't pinpoint where it was coming from but she could predict what was to happen next.

"So I do my job, make US money, and this is what I get?"

Everything was out of place, she was struggling to find clear floor space to walk on. The floor was covered in broken glass, wood fragments from what was their coffee table, the TV was on the floor. So on.
She also knew what he was capable of so she was weary of going to far into the house.

"Your job? Your job doesn't include making out with other guys"

He chuckled as he slowly made his way down the stairs. His face was red, hands covered in his own blood.

Maddie knew this wasn't going to play out well, but she also knew she couldn't keep living like this.

"Firstly, I didn't do that. Secondly, sometimes it does"

Okay so maybe sarcasm wasn't her best move in this situation, but she's a sarcastic person she can't help it. She was still stood in the door frame, the cold breeze was almost pushing her inside the house.

He was now on the same level as her, he was griping a kitchen knife in one hand the other was balled into a fist.

"You being smart with me Maddie?

"Its just the truth. It's called acting."

She was trying very hard to act tough and not show how afraid she truly was.

He was standing in front of her. His hand reached to her chin, forcing her to look up. He was looking right into her glassy eyes.

"Mike please, just let me talk."

"What's his name."


"Stop acting stupid Mads! Tell me his fucking name."

He spat, she honestly didn't know what he was on about. But she had to debate on lying or telling the truth. His reaction to both outcomes were going to be terrible. But she wasn't sure what would be worse.

But she couldn't keep doing this.

"Mike. You're crazy."

She shook her head, his eyes grew wide and dark. It was probably a mistake to say that but it definitely wasn't a lie.

"I'm crazy? Look around babe, you think this mess was me being crazy? No. That was your fault. YOUR FAULT"

His voice was low, he wasn't breaking eye contact with her.

"Mike, you're freaking out over a rumor that spread and instead asking your girlfriend about it you destroy my home."

She had to resist another sarcastic comment, although terrified she really wanted to reply with "but I didn't throw the TV on the floor you did"

"I think it's in both of our best interests that from now on, we can't be together."

She had made that decision a while ago now, but she was scared of how he would react. She still is but no better time. She wants him gone, and fast.

Mike didn't like that, he shoved her to the ground. Her head hitting between the door and the concrete outside. She wondered how no one around was seeing or hearing this.
He was on the floor next to her, knife in hand, hand in the air. She reacted swiftly grabbing his wrist and kicking his stomach.

"You think you can just decide when we are done? We will be together for as long as I say"

She stumbled her way to the kitchen, before he could get back up. All she could think to do was to call for help but there was no way he'd let her. She instead grabbed her phone from her pocket and texted her first contact "help" she didn't even see who it was. She just had hope that was enough to get her out of this.

"Mike please. You think this is a relationship? This is borderline captivity. I will not stay in a relationship with you no matter how hard you try. We.are.done"

Her mascara was staining her cheeks, she couldn't hold tears back anymore. He had gotten himself off the ground although in obvious pain. He pointed the knife at her.

"If you think you're getting out of this situation, this house, this relationship? You are delusional"

He gestured with the knife as he spoke, slowly moving towards her. She was cornered in the kitchen, definitely not her best move. She could've gone outside.
As she was questioning her choice of going to the kitchen she heard a car outside. Her and Mike both froze as it stopped right outside the house.


Before she could say anything he had ran to her, backing her into the counter with his body. She really had no where to go now. His hand was tightly grasping her throat while his other hand raised in the air. Knife still in hand.

She just stared at him. She was struggling to breath but didn't want to show him that. But she didn't know what else to do. She just closed her eyes and accepted her fate.

Suddenly his hand was gone from her throat, and he was now on the ground getting the shit beaten out of him by Angus cloud.


"I'm so sorry Angus. I didn't want to drag you into this"

She was sitting on the counter, Angus had handed her an ice pack for her throat and started cleaning up for her. Hours had passed, police called, statements given. Mike, arrested.

"Mads I'm so glad you did. I'm probably the only person you know that can take him down"

He laughed a bit with that statement, so did Maddie she knew it was true. She just watched him picking up glass, and restoring her place. She offered to help but he didnt want her getting hurt.
Angus and Maddie were close, although shared few scenes in euphoria. He treated her like a little sister.

"Hey why had you texted me anyway? I just panicked texted the most recent contact"

"Oh. Dominic wanted your number and I was askin if that was alright. You can stay at mine tonight if you want"

"Thanks Angus, might be a good idea,"

Wc: 1000
A/n omg, that's a long chapter. I'm sorry, no dominic content ! But I wanted to show how brutal that relationship was and in depth how it ended. There wasn't a background prior, and I wanted you to understand her character and trauma going forward without having to explain it, you know?

Once again, give any recommendations and notes and feedback. <3

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