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"Hi, maddie,'

Well, that's not who she expected. 

"M- Mike?"

Maddie instantly stepped back from the door.

"Aren't you supposed to be in jail?"

"I got out with good behavior, babe. Just for you, "

Now Maddie had a choice to make, try get him out as he is obviously dangerous, and she doesn't want to live that life again. Or let him in. 
To others, it's obvious which option is better.

"Come in,"

Her "boyfriend" was MIA, so she didn't know what else to do. She knew it wasn't the greatest idea to let him in,  but she had been living hell already without dominc, so what more harm could be done.

Mike pushed past her instantly, making himself at home. She watched as he settled on the couch, as if he had never left. Acting like everything was the same as it had been. She wishes so desperately not to be in a situation like this, to go back to being with dominic.

"How uh, have you been?"

Taking a seat next to him, she tried to relax. Being the person who had never done drugs before, she thought this situation would draw her to.
When he looked at her, a chill ran through her body.

"I am so much better with you,"

He inched closer to her, placing his hand on her upper thigh.

"There is nothing in this world that can stop me being with you,

Suddenly, he stood up and walked to the front door. Click.
He locked it.

"You're all mine, baby, and I'm all yours,"

As he spoke again, Mike made his way over to her. A devious grin taunting her.

"You will never have to worry about your little acting job -"

He was now in front of her, kneeling to the floor holding her knees. Maddie swore her heart was beating so hard he could see it.

"You don't need that nobody boyfriend you had, only me -"

Her body froze as his hands crept further and further up her thighs, unable to move or beg him to stop.

Dear God, anything but this. Please, anything but not this.


The news was spreading hot and fast. Paparazzi had caught a man entering her house. Everyone was baffled that it wasn't dominic. The photo only contained the back of Mike, so no one could tell it was him, especially since they all thought he was still in jail.
Since he left, she went to radio silence. Nobody knew her next move, but concerns were growing from those closest to her.

Anyone was yet to make contact with dominic, fearing his reaction to the press they tried. Some even tried contacting his brother and Mama. To no avail.

Mike had forced Maddie to let her phone die and denied her access to any technology. She was so far gone yet right there. People just assumed she was unfaithful, a slut or even just living her best life.

Zendaya was pulling any effort she could. She knew something wasn't right. And she wouldn't just wait around to find out.
She was trying everything. Her and Angus had been attempting to figure this situation out. So far, they had spent 3 days searching and calling people, knowing how stressful the situation was. The pair often stayed together.  In case anyone called during the nights. Angus had suggested filing a missing person's report, or even a welfare assessment but do far she didn't qualify to be missing or mentally unstable.

Just when they had decided to finish hunting for the night, her phone rang.
Typically, she doesn't get unknown numbers, so that's weird enough,  but also not to her personal phone. And yet she still awnsered.


"Zendaya, please explain what the fuck Maddie is doing"

She couldn't believe who it was. Nobody had heard from him in a while.

"Dominic, please, I think she's in dang -"

"Don't give me bullshit,"

"Seriously dominic, if Maddie wanted to let another man in her house, would she really do it? No? Exactly.  Something is wrong, and you need to get home. "

She could hear him breathing over the line. He was quiet for a while.

"How do you know she's in danger?"

He spoke softly, finally understanding the situation.

"I haven't heard from her in days, she won't awnser any calls and hasn't even been on social media. You know how obsessed she is about the press she would've seen it by now and talked to someone about it"


Wc: 775.

Hi loves ! I've finally finished my diploma and am hoping to write more over the new year <3 I do have another story in the works which has taken over my mind completely but I promise this will be finishes!

Much love <3

(Not proofread)

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