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Maddie spent months losing her mind. She felt crazy. Her friends always joked about her being an alcoholic but no one deemed it true. Not until now.
Dominic had been gone a month. She tried keeping hope that he was truly helping his mother, but she couldn't help but question his actions. Why couldn't he just text her?
Maddie had tried and sent multiple messages, but after a day or so, she didn't want to bother him. So she stopped.

Her filming for the season had concluded, and she truly had free reign to the world. She waited for this moment for months, all the adventures she could embark on, interviews, and such. That now she would turn down. Many people had tried contacting her. Angus even stayed over a few times, but with the holiday season ahead, no one was around.

During this time, Maddie had found her other true love, 4 shots of vodka and a mixer. Usually, coke oh and ice, don't forget ice. For some reason, this mixture just hit the spot. Plus, 4 shots? It easily hits, and for the cost of only one drink.

She hadn't changed her phone lockscreen, which was of her and Dominic, and she was yet to wear her own clothes. She just didn't know how to live life and still hold onto this love she has for him.

It hurt her hearing everyone insist she move on, convince her that he wouldn't come back, but she just can't let it go. Maddie hadn't actually thought about why she would wait, I mean, they haven't exactly had a perfect track record together. And as much as family is a good reason to leave, it seemed wrong not to text your girlfriend. She was trying not to speculate too much. Plus, what hurt more was she knew he was active on social media's. He was out promoting some new music. Again, she blamed management, but it still hurt.

Today was the first day Maddie had gone out. She didn't want to. However, she was out of vodka, which was a reasonable reason. She actually got dressed for this, too. Wearing denim ripped jeans and a corset. Fixing her hair into a half- up half- down style.
It was a beautiful day despite the time of year, so Maddie, for some reason, decided to wall to the shops, coming across all her and Dominic's favorite places and date locations she carefully breathed. trying to forget those moments.

Maddie wondered through the grocery store isles, pondering if she needed actual food or not. This is usually something you check before you go out. Swiftly, she had purchased everything she wanted and was once again on her way. The sub was beginning to set, causing the sky to show beautiful pinks and purples around.


Maddies slumber was rudely interrupted by knocking at her door. Hesitantly, she began walking towards the front of the house. She picked up her phone just in case she needed it. 3:47am
Who the fuck.

She argued with herself whether or not to ignore it. To be fair, it could just be some homeless guy or...? Or?
Seriously who the fuck.

Nodding her thoughts away, she decided her curiosity was far more important. Whoever was there began knocking again. They weren't going away.
Maddie figured a murderer wouldn't knock on her door so she could rule that out. If it had a friend, they'd text and let her know, so that was obviously not it.
So seriously. Like who else could be there ??

The knocking became faster and louder. Whoever it was is impatient. The noise was actually frightening.

After whay felt like decades, Maddie made it to the door. Her hand reached for the handle, and she noticed she was shaking. Biting her lip, she felt the cold metal against her hands, clicking the lock and pulling the door open.

"Hi maddie,"

Wc: 655
Sorry it's a bit short ! I've been super busy with finishing my diploma and working 🥴
I promise soon I will post more and it'll get exciting!
As always give some feedback
Much love <3

(Not proof read)

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