S.S Car accident depression (1)

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(This is based from the movie final destination but it would have different end of the part 1 but it would have part 2 so let's go)

You and Sadie were dating for 1 year you were happy both in love you were both in your bed as it was morning the sun was start shining in your bedroom at that you wake up by seeing you beautiful girlfriend feeling with the sunlight, you start waving her hair and kiss her forehead Sadie starts wake up too from your touch "Hey Babe how are you" Sadie said to you with a calm tired voice " I am good how are you love" you said with a smile " very good" she said back and you both lean to kiss.

You were both in the kitchen eating breakfast "You know what I was thinking Sades" you said a idea you have " what is it Y/n" she said "I was thinking of going to the lake with my siblings all together what do you think Love" you said your idea " hmm Nice idea Ofc Babe" Sadie said you both smiled and you kissed. You called your siblings as Sadie was packing things and food we need there when it was all ready you went to your car and drive to your siblings house .

You picked your siblings and the four start driving to the lake your siblings were 2 years younger than you and Sadie. "This is gonna be the best trip ever" you sister said excited "I know right you have the best idea Y/n" your brother said too " well let's all have a fun time.
You were now driving at the central street of the state heading to the countryside a huge trunk with tree logs was passing by your car but suddenly the second minute after the trunk pass the logs starts fall down to the cars and a huge car crash happens and huge fire blow off you immediately trying to stop.

When you manage to stop in the side of the road you panic when you saw the fire now you were stop in at the side " omg omg you guys are ok" you said hard breathing Sadie grab your hand " we are ok shit guys you are ok" Sadie said calm down as she ask your siblings back " omg glad we are ok" your brother said you were both calm down at the same time the sheriff arrived and approached your car " please do not get on this way" the sheriff said you and Sadie get out off the car and went to sheriff " Guys stay here ok" you said to your siblings Sadie went only to sheriff as you were standing in front of the car waiting.

When suddenly you didn't notice as a huge trunk with cars on it was driving in huge speed exactly heading on your car Sadie quickly saw the trunk and she saw that you are about to get hit by it as you were in the car she quickly run to you to drag "Y/N" she scream at you as you and your siblings saw the trunk she quickly pick you by your arms and drag you so fast away from the trunk but your siblings were still in the car as the same time Sadie drag you away the trunk crash your car and take it with a big fire explosion from the trunk and your whole car was burning in flames so that means your siblings died.

You both watch the trunk crashing your car and your siblings dying without any think anything you tried to run to the car but Sadie stopped you by grabbing your waist tight to "NO NO Let me get to them Sadie!" You scream as you start tear up " No I am not let you go too Y/n" Sadie said still grabbing your waist not letting you go too.

After you calm down when Sadie let you go of your waist you felt the earth falling as you fell to your knees as you absolutely realise you lost your siblings you start crying your face turn red the cry was so heavy your heart was breaking as you felt the guilt cause you could just tell them to get out of the car too cause you just let them in the car.

You start sobbing as Sadie just fall down next to you and pull you into a tight hug you immediately cried at her hug as even Sadie starts tear up cause she has never saw you crying like this you continue until you have to go back home by sheriff car.

In the car you were so silence your eyes were red from the sob but still some tears were falling and your head looking at the window and looking at space you were so depressed like never before Sadie was just looking at you as she couldn't do anything she was sad watching you like this she was understand you so she only just grab your hand softly for comfort and she will try her best to be happy again.

And here ends the part 1 of this chapter there will be part 2 is coming soon where it would be with as it would with Y/n's depression that she has to fight with Sadie's help and love
I will try to make the part 2 fast as I could and see you guys I love you all <3<3<3

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