S.S Pregnancy stress revealed problem

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(This chapter may be tough little at the start when the pregnancy will be announced here but the end is beautiful).

You and Sadie are dating for 10 mouths and 2 years from being married you were complaining Sadie to get a pregnant and get a baby so everyday after Sadie was coming home you were in the room and fucking each other. So today was the same day but you didn't know this time you will lead you to get pregnant.
Sadie had just come from work when you enter the room "Sadieee how was your work today" You said as you were taking slowly her outwear and kissing the back of her neck "sigh* Y/n you want again to do this you really want to make a baby but idk if we can take care of it"Sadie said with a annoying look but still she was smiling at you "Yes Sadie I mean we are married already for 2 years I want to make a family with you so please let's fuck" You said still kissing her neck "Alr Alr baby let's do it" Sadie said as she laughed and turn to face you.

Sadie push you in the bed as you were undressing yourself Sadie took a protection cottontail and went on top of you as she was getting undressing too "ready love?" Sadie said as she run her hand in your shoulder "yes baby" you said as Sadie press her body against yours as you lean in and kissed your lips passionate you let yourself enjoy this as Sadie started kissing your neck you were leaving moaning "mmm ,ahh Sadie fuck me more please" You start moaning Sadie press her body more into you making you scream more her name "cum for me baby" Sadie said to you as you start it cum in you were screaming and enjoying this so much as you touched your lips again.

After some hours you two finished your make out and now you were laying on your bed cuddling until you fall asleep.

The next morning Sadie was already left for work but she left you ready breakfast you were eating it as you were feeling dizzy today without a reason and feel like you about to vomit right after you finished the breakfast you run to bathroom and you vomit blood you were shaking but you didn't know why you stay over the toilet for some minutes until you didn't feel the vomit you stayed up slow and you went to your phone and call Millie.
"Hey Mills can you help me" you said in the phone " Hey Y/n what's wrong" Millie said "Um it's idk how to say it I vomit right now blood and I still feeling dizzy can you go to pharmacy and take a pregnant test" You said to Millie when she hear that she started screaming "Wait WHAT YOU TELLING ME YOU MAY HAVE A BABY WITH SADIE" Millie said from the phone " Ik I am excited about it but don't tell it to Sadie please will you go to do it" you said "yes ofc I will see you girl byeee"Millie said and you hang up the phone.

After a while you were waiting Millie to get the pregnancy test to you she came quick to your home "thank you Millie" You said as you hugged her "Yw girl see you later if everything will be ok with Sadie" Millie as she left as she had some jobs to do.

You were in the bathroom waiting for the test reveal when it show 2 red lines you were shocked and happy you were pregnant but you were still stressed about Sadie's reaction.
You were sitting on the couch holding the test in your hand still and stress was full in you when Sadie came home and she sees you in the couch "Hey babe I am home how are you" Sadie said as she kissed your forehead "Oh Hi Sadie I am good"you said as you fake smiled "You didn't cooked anything?" Sadie said "no I didn't I am not hungry" You said "What Babe you have to eat it's ok in that case I brought pizza do you want" Sadie said as she offered you pizza "no I don't want you can eat Sadie" you said as you seriously didn't have the mood to eat "Ok Y/n" Sadie said sad and confused that you refuse to eat.

After she ate quickly and went to you "you eat fast Sadie"you said as your stress was going high "Y/n tell me what's wrong" Sadie said with a serious look you looked at her meaning that she was actually wanted to know you took deep breaths "ok but please just don't shout or panic just this Sadie" you said and you took the strength and give Sadie the pregnant test and you cover your head in your legs.
Sadie took the test in her hands and you could say she was shocked but you don't know if she will be happy or not she saw the two lines "who's is the baby Y/n" Sadie ask trying to stay calm "it's your Sadie I am very sure cause you put the protection cottontail last night and I think this make out worked and so it's our baby Sadie we got a baby" you said while you had tears in your eyes Sadie cover her mouth with her hand she believed you that you were telling the truth she look at the test as she started tear up too but you were confused is she was tearing up from sadness or from happiness (But I think it's from happiness) "what if you want to shout shout idc kick out of the house or leave the house idc" you said as you were crying "No Y/n is not that I am just...idk"Sadie said as she was pure shock and she doesn't know what to say.

When you get up angry "Alr Sadie fine just say you don't want to have a baby you know what I will leave!" You said as you were heading to the door "What no Y/n please no it's not true I really want the baby I just can't realise all this Ofc I want the baby but we are not ready for this yet but I am sure we will" Sadie said as she didn't want you to leave she never wanted this.
"Ofc we are not ready this is the word you will be saying I knew it I am going to miscarriage the baby" You said decided to do it "WHAT no y/n don't do it please don't I am so happy we have a baby please don't do anything" Sadie said crying more "No what's the point goodbye Sadie" You said as you left the house Sadie standing behind the door crying so much and she was now alone waiting for you to regret it "No no please Y/n don't leave me" She said full crying.
You were crying too but you didn't actually meant the miscarriage but you went to Millie house.

At Millie's home

"What why you left" Millie said to you "Because I am sure she didn't want the baby but idk with her reaction one she said I want the baby and then she said we are not ready to take care of it" you said crying still "Y/n I am sure she wants the baby but you shouldn't leave her" She said as you cried more " do you want to call her" She said as she hand the phone you nodded.

When Millie called Only a heavy breathe was hearing "Sadie are you ok"Millie said to the phone "Millie yes but please tell me if Y/n is there with you" Sadie said as she was still crying "yes she is here but she doesn't to talk to you but she hears you" Millie said the true "oh thank God Please Y/n I want you back please come back I am very sorry if my reaction confused you I really want to have a baby and I am very happy that you pregnant I was crying from happiness but please I just want you back I need you please love please come back" Sadie said with full crying voice she was crying so so much which make you regret for leaving her in the house "Dw I will come" you said as you quickly get up "She left again" Millie said and hang up the phone.
Sadie in the other side she was crying so much still being in the door sitting at the floor "where you going Y/n!?" Millie said to you "Home I am going back to her" You said and quickly left her house Millie let a smile.

Sadie was still in the floor behind the door but she moved more in the side her eyes and full of her face was red When suddenly she hears key sound she quickly get up when you revealed yourself "Y/n!!!" Sadie said and she hugged you so so tight "I am so glad you are here"Sadie said as she started crying "I am so sorry Sadie I am so sorry I shouldn't leave you I just really wanted to have an baby and I was afraid of your reaction and I knew you will reject the baby" you said crying too:

"No Y/n I really accept the baby it's our baby I am sorry for not being able to say it I was so shocked that we will have a baby and we will make family but please I don't want you to leave please I need you Y/n I love you so so much so please" Sadie said as she was calming from her tears as you buried your head in the hug she waved your hair "it's ok Y/n it's all ok be happy that we will be family" Sadie said as this make you smile you looked at her as she cup your cheek and let a tear fall "I am sorry for leaving you I love you too Sadie so so much I need you too" You said regretting for what you did "idc about it it's ok I love you still I love you forever Y/n" Sadie said as she wipe your tears "I love you too Forever Sadie" You said as you lean into a kiss a deep lovely kiss which this calm you both down you were finally happy that you together once again.

9 months later

You and Sadie finally had a beautiful daughter right now you were at home after days being at the hospital "what her name will be" Sadie said as you two were holding your daughter "Hmm How about Casey your mothers name" You said "nah no I don't want this thing with getting the grandmas name how about Lily, Max , Ziggy or Ellie" Sadie said some of her characters name she is played "I think the Max is unique name" you said "Max Elizabeth sink" you said smiling to Sadie "yes Max Elizabeth sink she is beautiful she has my hair" Sadie said smiling and happy "and my eyes" you said as you were finally happy and so excited that you have gained a daughter you have a child and now you have a family you were both so happy and taking care of her was sometimes easy and sometimes hard but nothing bother it you were finally happy that your goals were finish.

This is the end of the chapter I love this one cause it has so much love but breakdown too but the end is so lovely and that they come back together I will see you at the next chapter I love you guys all <3<3<3

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