Part 17: A triumphant return home?

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Partway through this chapter is officially where the Ace Attorney type stuff ends so you can keep reading though here if you wanted to skip that stuff.

Castle: Hallway: 12:45 PM

"Woo hoo! We did it!" Gingerbrave cheered. "That was amazing!"

"You did great for your first time," I smiled.

Rye slipped silently out of the courtroom and started to make her way down the hall.

"Hey, Rye Cookie!" I waved to her.

"What do you want?" She asked impatiently.

"Well, isn't there anything you'd like to say to Chili Pepper?" I asked her.

"Like...?" She pressed.

"You know, 'I'm sorry I thought it was you, and--'" I started to say.

"Keep talkin' and I'mma start shootin'," Rye warned.

"Oohhhkay then!" I relented.

"So, what now?" Gingerbrave asked me.

"Well, normally after we win a case, my friends and I go out somewhere to eat in celebration," I explained. "More specifically for burgers."

"It is past lunchtime," Gingerbrave pointed out. "So let's go get some bear jelly burgers from the Jampie Diner!"

"Sounds good to me!" I agreed. "Rye Cookie, won't you join us?"


"Rye Cookie...?" I repeated.

"She left already," Chili Pepper told me.

"Oh..." I sighed.

"Don't worry, I'm sure she's fine," Gingerbrave assured me. "Now let's go eat!"

Jampie Diner: 12:50 PM ***

"Three bear jelly burgers, coming right up!" Milk Cookie smiled.

"Oh, err, thanks," I thanked him. "I wouldn't have minded making them myself."

"Oh, it's okay," He assured us. "You've been working pretty hard today already, gathering evidence and defending Chili Pepper during the trial."

"Wow, well, thanks again," I thanked him.

"Let's sit over here," Gingerbrave decided, pointing to two small tables with jelly seats right next to each other.

"I guess I owe you two some thanks for defending me back there," Chili Pepper started to say. "Not that I really needed it. I would have escaped anyways. But, it's nice to know I have some cookies who will have my back."

"Well, there wasn't much we could have done if you truly were guilty," I told her.

"And why's that?" Gingerbrave wondered.

"Well, it's any good attorney's job to pursue the truth, no matter what it may be, guilty, or not guilty," I answered.

"Oh," Gingerbrave nodded. "Well that makes sense, I guess."

"Here you are," Milk Cookie set down three bear jelly burgers; one for each of us.

"Thanks," I thanked him, reaching for the one closest to me and taking a big bite. "Wow! This is delicious!"

"Yeah, this tastes amazing!" Gingerbrave agreed.

"I'm glad you like them," Milk Cookie smiled.

"Err... but... who's paying?" I asked.

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