Part 29- THE END

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I opened a portal to the kingdom for them. And they all filed through, but, once again, someone hung back.

"Vampire--" I started to say, but stopped short as I realized it was Dark Choco this time. "Dark Choco Cookie, what's wrong?"

"I've done such horrible things in the past..." He sighed. "Are you sure I belong here?"

"Of course, you do!" I assured him. "You proved that today."

"You sure did!" Another voice agreed as Milk Cookie approached. "The way you fought off all those cake monsters, it's exactly like what I heard in the legends about you!"

"And it seems you already have a friend," I added.

"Come on, everyone's waiting for us," Milk Cookie urged him.

Dark Choco flashed a smile as he followed Milk Cookie through the portal.

Once they had gone through, I closed it behind them. But... my dimensional watch still wasn't working properly.

"Huh?" I gasped.

"Oh, I might be the cause of that," A new voice spoke up.

"Croissant Cookie?!" I exclaimed as I spun around to see her standing in front of her time travel machine. "What are you doing here?"

"They were supposed to encounter him several more times during their adventure," She commented idly, not directly answering my question.

"I'm aware of that," I nodded. "Is this... a bad thing then?"

"Not particularly," She shrugged. "It hasn't caused that much trouble with the timeline. Tell me, is this... part of your intentions with this world?"

"Yeah," I nodded. "I want to give everyone the happy ending they deserve! And I know those other Cookies of Darkness have some good in them, too, if we just dig deep enough."

"Ah, I see," She smiled. "Then you and I are going to get along just fine. Are you planning on returning any time soon?"

"I just have to let my friends know I'm okay first," I explained. "They haven't had any communication with me this whole time, and they must be worried sick! And then I'm probably going to get some rest, because it's been a long day already. But after that, I totally plan on coming back to join them for another adventure!"

"Sounds good," She winked. "See you around, then."

"Err, just one last question," I started to say.

"Huh?" Croissant wondered.

"Well, it's just... something doesn't make much sense to me, and I was hoping you could help me figure it out," I told her.

"What's that?" She asked me.

"I saw White Lily Cookie at the beginning of this adventure, in the Blueberry Yogurt Academy," I explained. "She hadn't yet reverted to being Dark Enchantress Cookie. So... if that's the case, how was Dark Enchantress here?"

"Oh, that?" A new voice spoke up. "I may or may not have sped up the process and released her from the moonstone myself."

"Timekeeper Cookie!" Croissant grumbled. "You can't keep changing the timelines like this!"

"I just wanted to see how your magic would fare against hers," Timekeeper Cookie explained. "And I must say, you did surprisingly well. You might just play a big role in the new future I see here."

"So... what does this mean for the timeline?" I asked Croissant.

"Still nothing major, I guess," She shrugged. "Just events are happening earlier than they should. Which still isn't good, but I guess it's not the worst thing in the world. They're still going to defeat her, right?"

Baking up a New Adventure! (A Cookie Run: Kingdom Story)Where stories live. Discover now