Part 18: Out of the Oven...

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Chapter 3: Back to Reality

But when I could see again, something wasn't right. Humans towered over me, and I was in some sort of glass containment unit. On one side of me were doughnuts, below me were croissants, and on the other side of me were jelly filled pastries and other goodies. I looked down to see that, to my horror, I was still a cookie! And... I was in a bakery!

This hasn't happened before in my adventures, I thought to myself in a bit of a panic. Normally when I leave a dimension and enter a new one, I switch to the form I take in that dimension automatically. But no worries! It's nothing my dimensional watch can't fix. It's a good thing I thought of adding that form swapping setting after the crossovers. Would not want to be stuck as a cookie for the rest of my life, though, no offense.

"Uhh... Glacier Mage Cookie?" a voice pierced through my thoughts. "What happened? Where are we?"

"We're definitely not in the kingdom anymore, that's for sure," Wizard concluded.

"G-GINGERBRAVE?!" I gasped as I turned around to see him, and all the other cookies from the kingdom, standing there. "What-- how did you get here?!"

"I'm not sure," Gingerbrave admitted. "There was this flash of light and suddenly, we were here."

"Where is here, anyways?" Wizard wondered. "It's not like any structure I've ever studied before."

"You're, err... how do I put this...?" I started to say. "We're in a bakery."

"A bakery?" Gingerbrave pressed. "Like the one we have in our kingdom?"

"Yes, except this one is much larger," I pointed out. "Now, we have to hurry and get out of here before--"

I broke off as I heard the sound of the glass opening behind us. A hand reached in and grabbed Strawberry Cookie before any of us could react.

"Ack! Hey! Let go of me!" She shouted as she struggled to break free. "Gingerbrave, help!"

"We've got to go after her!" Gingerbrave decided as the hand pulled her out of the glass case and the door started to close.

"Ack! The door's closing! We'd better hurry!" Knight Cookie gasped.

"Oh no, you don't!" Chili Pepper exclaimed, tossing one of her daggers to stop the door.

"Good thinking, Chili Pepper!" I complimented her. "Now come on, let's go!"

I fell back and ushered everyone through the door just to make sure nobody got left behind. Everyone made it out except...

"Vampire Cookie!" I gasped as I noticed he was just standing around. "What are you doing?! We've got to get out of here!"

"You know, it's actually not that bad in here," He commented as he sat down. "I think I might just take a nap here."

"Come on!" Alchemist insisted as she stormed over to where her brother was sitting down. "I'm not leaving you behind! Let's go!"

She pulled Vampire Cookie to his feet and dragged him out the door.

"Come on, guys, we've got to find Strawberry Cookie, and fast!" Gingerbrave was saying as the three of us finally caught up with the others.

"But how will we get out of here?" Custard III wondered. "We're surrounded by these giant walls on all sides!"

"That won't be a problem," I assured him. "Everyone, stay close to me."

I formed a pillar of ice at our feet to lift us up and over the glass counter.

"I don't see her," Gingerbrave announced as he squinted his eyes to peer through the crowd.

"She can't have gotten far," I decided, glancing around as well. "Wait... there she is!"

I spotted her struggling to break free from a child's grasp as they stood with their parents in the back corner of the bakery.

"We're coming, Strawberry Cookie!" Gingerbrave hollered. "Don't you worry!"

We vaulted over the glass display case and slid gently down to the ground. We hurried over to the child as fast as we could.

"How are we going to get her down from there?" Custard III wondered.

"We could always stand on top of each other and--" Adventurer Cookie started to suggest.

"I don't think even Muscle Cookie would be strong enough to pull Strawberry Cookie free from that creature's grasp," Wizard commented.

"Well then, what should we do?" Custard III pressed.

"I've got an idea," I announced.

I froze the palm of the boy's hand so that Strawberry Cookie started to slip loose, and formed a spiraling path of ice like a slide just beneath her so she slid to safety.

"Woah--!" She gasped, catching herself as she landed on the ground in front of us. "Err... thanks, Glacier Mage."

"We'd better get out of here, and fast!" Gingerbrave decided. "Before they capture another one of us!"

"But how do we get out of here?" Strawberry pressed.

"That door over there!" I exclaimed, pointing to the glass door on the opposite side of the bakery.

"But how will we open it?" Custard III pressed. "It's huge!"

"Maybe if we all work together...?" Gingerbrave suggested.

"Let's try it!" Adventurer agreed.

So we all made our way over to the door, and together, we pushed with all our might, but the door didn't budge.

"Now what?" Custard III sighed.

"Everyone, stand back," I warned. "I've got another idea."

I took a deep breath and held out my arms, and with one big pushing motion I summoned the strongest gust of wind I could muster. The door blew open just enough for us to fit through, and thinking quickly I formed a wedge of ice as a doorstop so it stayed there.

"Woah... that was awesome!" Gingerbrave exclaimed.

"Come on, let's go, quickly!" I urged everyone.

Once again I brought up the rear to make sure they all made it through the door before following behind them and making the wedge of ice disappear so the door could close again.

"Where should we go now?" Gingerbrave wondered.  

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