Part 26: The Final Showdown-Part 2

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"Pay close attention!" Latte cried out, and a latte glyph formed on the ground, trapping the licorice minions and rendering them unable to attack for a few moments.

I took advantage of this time and formed a wall of ice spikes to make sure they couldn't reach us. That, along with a few regular attacks, was enough to take care of the first wave. We charged forward to meet the second wave just up ahead.

"Escape this!" Espresso Cookie shouted as he formed a circle of coffee magic on the ground that pulled all the licorice minions towards its center, dealing heavy damage over time.

"Meet your end!" Dark Choco boomed as he swung his sword over his head, summoning a sweeping wave of black lightning that took out the second wave of licorice minions.

A third wave of licorice minions was just behind them.

"Ugh, how many of these things are there?" Espresso asked impatiently.

"This looks like it might be the last wave," I commented. "Let's not hold back!"

"That's a job well done!" Avocado hollered as she struck the ground with her hammer several times, dealing area damage to all the licorice minions as they approached.

I formed another wall of ice spikes before they could reach us, and with the help of Latte's magic glyph, it was enough to take out this final wave.

"There he is! Licorice Cookie!" I cried out as I saw him just up ahead. "Okay, Espresso Cookie, I have a plan. Use your coffee magic to pull him in, and I'll open the portal right underneath his feet."

"Huh?" Licorice gasped as he saw us. "You made it past all my licorice minions? Well, no matter. You'll never make it past me! Bat Cat! Schwarzwälder!"

"I told you to stop calling me that," The Choco Werehound Brute sighed.

"Get over here and help me deal with these cookies!" Licorice ordered.

"Three for the price of one," I grinned as Bat Cat and Choco Werehound Brute came to stand at Licorice Cookie's side. "I'll take it. Ready, Espresso Cookie?"

"Ready whenever you are," He nodded.

"Go for it," I urged him.

He formed a circle of coffee magic that started drawing Licorice, Bat Cat, and Choco Werehound Brute in. I formed a portal right at the center.

"Ack! It's pulling us towards that portal! What do we do?!" Licorice gasped.

"Can't break free...!" Bat Cat exclaimed. "The pull is too strong!"

"Hang on! Don't let us fall through!" Licorice hollered as he and Choco Werehound Brute held on to Bat Cat's tiny legs.

"Too... heavy..." Bat Cat huffed as his wings gave out.

"Waaaah!" The three of them wailed as they fell through the portal, and I promptly closed it behind them.

"One down, three to go," I commented with a grin.

"I knew I should have never trusted him to handle you on his own." Pomegranate sighed.

"What if I give them... shroomies?" Poison Mushroom Cookie wondered.

He tossed a poison mushroom towards us, which spouted poisonous fumes upon landing.

"Gah! Poisonous fumes!" I gasped as I covered my mouth and nose with one hand.

With the other, I summoned a gust of wind to blow the fumes away from our faces so we could breathe again.

"You..." Pomegranate muttered through the cloth of her sleeves as she covered her face to avoid inhaling the fumes herself. "You are proving to be quite the nuisance."

"More shroomies?" Poison Mushroom pressed.

"Gah! There's so many of them!" I gasped as a bombardment of poison mushrooms was tossed all around us. "Everyone, stand close!"

I formed a protective dome out of ice around us before the mushrooms could emit their spores.

"What are we going to do about that Poison Mushroom Cookie?" Latte asked. "We can't advance with all these poisonous fumes and spores floating about."

"Gah!" Avocado Cookie gasped as there was a loud thunk followed by a crackling sound. "This fortress doesn't seem to hold up so icely against those attacking snakes!"

"Attacking snakes?" I gasped.

"This thing is going to fall apart any minute!" Espresso commented.

"Then take these instead!" I decided, forming helmets of ice around our heads like spacemen.

"What--?" Espresso started to ask.

"They're helmets," I explained. "They should prevent the poisonous gasses from getting in. Now, come on. It looks like we're going to have to battle our way to Poison Mushroom Cookie!"

The first wave of poisonous snakes approached, with a blue tint to their skin. I stopped them from getting to us with a wall of ice spikes, but they lobbed shots of poisonous gunk over the wall which splattered all over us, dealing poison damage over the next few seconds. Thankfully Latte's special attack was enough to take down this first wave.

Tiny poison mushrooms with spikes on their heads came running towards us with the intent of exploding and dropping bits of toxic sludge everywhere, but Espresso and Dark Choco Cookie took care of them before that could happen.

Another group of snakes slithered towards us, but these ones were purple and they had two heads which fired twice as fast as the others. Avocado hammered the ground, dealing damage to all of them, and Latte Cookie finished them off.

The final wave had poison mushroom shaped jelly worm creatures that burst up out of the ground, stunning Dark Choco and Avocado Cookie who were at the front lines. Espresso pulled them in with his special attack, and I formed a wall of ice spikes to block them before they could approach us again. As Dark Choco recovered from being stunned, he swung his sword at the ground which summoned another sweeping wave of lightning which took out this final group of enemies.

"There's Poison Mushroom Cookie!" Latte exclaimed as we approached them.

"I have a plan," I assured everyone as the poisonous gas was starting to clear. "Just follow my lead."

I removed our helmets and we each put our hands over our faces. I stumbled out of the poison gas cloud and fell on my face, grumbling and moaning as if I'd been afflicted by its toxins.

"Shroomy?" Poison Mushroom pressed as the others followed after me, groaning and moaning just as I had been.

They walked up next to me and poked me with thier hand, but I didn't move.

"Yaaay! Happy shroomy dance!" Poison Mushroom smiled as they stood there, grinning to themselves.

In one swift motion I reached for my portal gun and aimed carefully, forming a portal right under where they were standing.

"Shroomy?" they wondered as they fell through to the other side.

"Aha! Gotcha!" I grinned.

"Haha! Guess it just goes to show there wasn't mushroom in this world for the both of us!" Avocado joked.

"You guys look pretty beat up after those last two battles," I commented. "You should go let Angel Cookie and Custard Cookie heal you."

"I'll stay," Dark Choco decided while the other three turned and headed back.

"Dark Choco Cookie..." I sighed. "I know you're trying really hard now to be a hero to make up for everything, but you should know your limits. Please, go back with the others."

"What about you?" Dark Choco asked me.

"I'm the only one here with a portal gun," I explained. "So, I have to be in these fights because I'm the only one that can send them home."

"Then I'll stay as well," Dark Choco decided.

"Dark Choco--" I started to say.

"Need some backup?" A voice pressed as three new cookies approached.

"Carrot Cookie! Strawberry Cookie! Cherry Cookie!" I smiled as I saw them. "Alright, there's only two more to go! Let's do this!" 

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