Part 27: The Final Showdown-Part 3

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"I will not let you stand in the way of my master's plans!" Pomegranate vowed.

As she spoke, skelecake grunts of varying shapes and sizes rushed forward to meet us.

"Looks like we've got another fight on our hands, you guys," I pointed out. "Let's not falter now!"

"Go away!" Strawberry Cookie shouted, spinning around with her lollipop in hand and knocking the skelecake grunts back.

"BOMBS! MORE BOMBS!" Cherry Cookie squealed in delight as she tossed a big cherry bomb at the skelecakes, but that still wasn't enough to take them down.

"Woah, these guys are tough!" I gasped as I formed a wall of ice spikes to stop them from reaching us.

The freezing damage was finally enough to do them in.

"Sweat and veggies!" Carrot Cookie called, pulling the best carrots out of the ground and tossing them at the next group of skelecakes as they charged.

"Err... how did you--?" I started to ask, staring at the concrete beneath our feet.

"Now you two, go and gather up those carrots," She interrupted me.

"Uhh, okay," I nodded. "Come on, Dark Choco Cookie."

He followed me over to where the carrots had fallen and we each picked some of them up.

"Wow, I feel reinvigorated now!" I smiled.

"That's what carrots'll do for you!" Carrot grinned.

Dark Choco swung his sword over his head and summoned more dark lightning, stopping the approaching skelecakes in their tracks. Strawberry spun towards them swinging her lollipop wildly in a circle, and another bomb from Cherry was enough to take them out.

I formed a wall of ice spikes to keep the next wave away from us and carrots rained down from above, though it took another spinning attack from Strawberry to take the skelecakes down.

A fourth wave approached, but Dark Choco's lightning attack halted their advance. A cherry bomb and an ice wall were enough to finish those guys off.

"Pomegranate Cookie!" Dark Choco cried out as we rushed forward to meet her.

"I will not let you get in the way of my master's plans," She vowed.

"We'll see about that," I retorted.

"I won't be as easy to trick as the others," She warned. "Now, Dark Choco Cookie, do you really think that all of this is going to make up for what you did in the past? You're a sorry excuse for a hero, and there's nothing Gingerbrave, or any of his puny friends, can do to fix that."

"..." Dark Choco gripped his sword tightly and glared at her.

"Dark Choco Cookie, wait," I held out my hand to stop him. "I've got a plan. Just let her keep talking. Trust me."

"I don't see how this is going to help," Dark Choco commented.

"I'm thinking while she's focusing all her attention on you, maybe I can open a portal underneath her without her noticing," I told him.

Dark Choco nodded silently.

"Tell me, do you really think that defeating Dark Enchantress Cookie will make your father welcome you back with open arms?" Pomegranate was saying. "After you left him within an inch of his life? After you caused so much destruction?"

"..." Dark Choco stood completely still and didn't answer.

"Your silence only proves your weakness," Pomegranate sneered.

"..." Dark Choco still didn't respond.

"Perhaps if I reminded you of the atrocities you committed, you'd see that Glacier Mage is wrong," Pomegranate decided. "There is no turning back for you."

Ack..! She's using a spell to bring him into a memory like she did with me! I thought to myself as I stared on in horror. I've got to do something to stop it!

I drew my portal gun and aimed to fire at her feet all within a fraction of a second, but I could tell she saw me out of the corner of her eye. As she moved to dodge I turned and changed where I was aiming to open a portal right in her path. She tried to stop herself, but I managed to trip her up with a small block of ice, and she fell right through. All the while the world seemed to be moving in slow motion. I closed the portal behind her as quickly as I could, and that was that.

"Dark Choco Cookie, are you okay?!" I asked him as I saw him kneeling down, one hand on his forehead, breathing heavily.

"She's... she's right..." He sighed. "What... what was I thinking?"

"Now, now, it's alright," Dark Enchantress assured him. "This cookie was just too powerful for you to resist. But all can be forgiven if you stop them now."

"I knew we shouldn't have trusted him!" Wizard Cookie huffed.

"Dark Choco Cookie, wait!" I cried, and he turned to look at me, an almost sorrowful look in his eyes. "There's something else I should tell you about those girls from the memory. It... I see that moment as a catalyst for something that was far worse. The one who tried to get my friend to go on that stage... she hated me with a burning passion ever since that day. She convinced my friend to stand beside her, and together, they attempted to destroy this world. They tried to crumble me, and if they had succeeded, they would have taken over these timelines, and who knows what they would have done with them then, but I can tell you it wouldn't have been good. So, in some ways, I, too, have brought more pain and destruction to these worlds than you would think. But, I had something you don't. I had friends that were there to help me, to tell me that it was okay, that they held none of it against me, and that though I may have been the one who introduced this evil into their worlds, at least I was doing everything in my power to stop it, and to help them make things right. And you can still do that, too. Just like it wasn't the end of my journey when my friends attacked, this doesn't have to be the end of your journey, either. I'll be that friend for you, and I promise I'll help you do better in any way I can. We all will." ***

"..." Dark Choco Cookie's expression faltered, and he gripped his sword, and in one swift motion, he slashed at Dark Enchantress Cookie, knocking her back.

"You..." She muttered, trembling with rage as she held her hand up to her lip as a single drop of strawberry jam dripped down. "You traitor!"

"That isn't the first time I've heard those words," Dark Choco retorted cooly. "But it will be the last."

"Dark Choco Cookie!" I squealed with delight. "I'm so glad you decided to stay on our side! Now, let's finish this!"

"Out of my way!" A voice huffed, and two robotic arms pushed us to the ground.

"Oof!" I gasped as I fell over backwards. "St-Strawberry Crepe Cookie? What are you doing?"

"I can't let you do this," They decided.

"Wh-what?!" I gasped. "Why not?"

"Dark Enchantress Cookie promised me I could do whatever I want," Strawberry Crepe explained. "And I want to stay here!"

"Y-You do?!" I pressed.

"Yeah, it's way more fun here than it was in the Vanilla Kingdom," Strawberry Crepe grinned. "I mean, with those raisin villagers are barely able to put up a fight against my wafflebots--"

"Oh, I see how it is," I started to say with a smirk. "You want to play, huh? You got bored of waiting, didn't you? Alright, then let's do it."

"Glacier Mage--!" Gingerbrave gasped.

"Don't let Dark Enchantress Cookie get away!" I told him. "I'll handle this one."

"This is going to be fun," Strawberry Crepe cackled with a glitter in their eye.

"You bet it is," I agreed. "Well, what are you waiting for? I'll let you make the first move." *** 

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