Part 22: Journey to the Fridge

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"D-Did Vampire Cookie just save us?" I wondered aloud, still trying to process everything that had just happened.

"Huh...?" Vampire pressed, glancing around, seeming a bit confused. "Sis...? Are you okay? You should be more careful."

"I guess I did get a bit carried away testing my latest concoction," She admitted. "I... I suppose I should say thank you for, you know, not letting me get crumbled there."

"I would have never let that happen," Vampire assured her. "You're my sister, after all. Now, you really should take it easy and get some rest after that. You're still pretty hurt."

"We can fix that," Angel offered as they fluttered forward with Sparkling and Custard III at their sides.

"Light upon you...!" Angel cried out.

"King's Blessing!" Custard declared.

"Enjoy!" Sparkling exclaimed as he tossed a cocktail to Alchemist.

"And just like that, you're good as new!" Angel smiled as all the cracks on Alchemist's body faded away.

"Come on, everyone!" Gingerbrave hollered over his shoulder to us. "The path is clear now!"

We all walked down the hall to join him now that the dust bunnies were dealt with. The carpeted floor turned into hardwood tile just up ahead.

"Woaaah!" Adventurer Cookie gasped as he slipped and fell.

"Careful," I warned, loud enough for everyone to hear as they stepped onto the tile as well. "It's slippery here, almost like ice."

I grinned to myself as I remembered fondly how I would come through here with only socks on as a kid and pretend I was an actual ice skater.

"Now, where's all the food?" Custard asked impatiently, snapping me out of my thoughts.

"Oh, right here," I explained, stopping in front of the fridge. "Let me just open the door for everyone."

I opened the door to the fridge the same way I'd opened the door to get out of my room, and I formed a set of stairs with ice so that everyone could get up into the refrigerator.

"Woaaah, it's like a feast in here!" Custard III gasped.

"Don't get too carried away," I warned. "This is my family's food, too."

I swung myself around the door and landed on the second shelf from the bottom, but the door hung open. Since everyone was inside the fridge now, I blew the door shut with another gust of cold wind.

"Yikes!" Gingerbrave cried as the door closed with a thud. "Now how are we going to get out?"

"Same way we came in," I assured him. "It's not good for me to leave this door open for long, otherwise the food could spoil."

"Oh, okay," Gingerbrave nodded.

"Err, anyways, you guys are free to help yourselves to whatever you'd like, just don't take too much," I told everyone.

It was at points like this in any adventure that I liked to go around and check up on everyone in our group to see how they were doing but... there were so many of them. Maybe I should just talk to the ones I hadn't talked to much, if at all. Like Espresso Cookie, and Avocado Cookie, oh, and I hadn't spoken to Dark Choco since he joined us. Oh, I haven't spoken to Adventurer and Blackberry much, either. And I should probably personally thank Vampire for saving us back there.

Maybe I should start with that. I decided silently. Yeah, that's a good idea. Now... where did he and Alchemist go...?

I glanced down to see that they were on the shelf just below me. I didn't like the idea of just jumping down to them, so I used a pillar of ice almost like an elevator to lower myself down gently.

"I'm out of grape juice," Vampire was saying as I approached. "Can't you make some more with your alchemy?"

"I could, if I had some grapes," Alchemist responded.

"You guys need some grapes?" I pressed. "I could help you with that."

"You could?" Alchemist asked.

"Yep, we keep some grapes just under here," I told them, pulling open the compartment just below the shelf we were standing on.

Except... wait... at this size, what was the best way to get them open...? I wondered to myself.

I formed a pillar of ice so I was level with the seal and tried with all my might to push it back just enough so I could reach in and grab a grape or two, but it wouldn't budge.

"I just... need... to open it..." I grunted as I tried again, pushing with every ounce of strength I had.

"WOAH!" I gasped as it moved forward suddenly, nearly causing me to lose my balance and fall. "Phew!"

I reached in to the bag and snatched up one of the grapes near the top, but it wouldn't move.

Oh, right, the stem, I remembered.

But with a single shard of ice, I was able to cut it loose. I sealed the bag up again, which was a lot easier than opening it, and took the grape up to Alchemist and Vampire Cookie. At our size, this grape was as tall as our waists.

"That's great, except I don't have anything to crush it into grape juice," Alchemist pointed out.

"I think I can help with that," I assured her. "Vampire Cookie, how many glasses would you say you have?"

"A lot," He answered as he held out about a dozen of them.

"Get ready," I told him as I formed a small water cooler out of ice. "Hold them under that tap."

I waited for Vampire Cookie to get into position, then put the grape into the cooler. I formed a heavy block of ice to crush the grape and extract its juice.

"Woah, err, thanks," Vampire thanked me as he collected the grape juice in the glasses.

"It was no problem," I assured him. "Just think of it as my way of saying thanks to you for saving us back there."

"Wha--?" Vampire started to ask. "Oh, right, that. Eh, it was nothing, really."

"Well, I wanted to say thank you anyways," I insisted. "Is that going to be enough?"

"Oh, yeah, this should be good," Vampire nodded. "I'll let you know if I need any more."

"Well, uhh, glad I could help," I responded. "I'm going to go talk to some of the others now. I'll let you know when we're ready to go."

With that, I headed off. I formed a pillar of ice back up to the next shelf, where Adventurer was admiring a block of cheese.  

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