Part 24: The Search for a Cup of Coffee... and Chili Pepper.

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"Hi," I waved awkwardly.

"Oh, you must be Glacier Mage Cookie," Avocado waved back. "ICE to meet you! Hahaha!"

"Right back at ya," I winked. "So, how are you doing?"

"Huh?" Avocado pressed.

"I mean, you know, with everything that's happened today--" I started to say.

"Oh, right," Avocado nodded. "Well, I don't mind much. But I'll tell you, having you around makes a WORLD of difference! Ha!"

"Hehehe, your jokes are great, but that's just the tip of the ICEBERG!" I joked.

"I have a feeling you and I are going to get along nICEly!" Avocado chuckled.

"I'd come up with a funny response, but I already don't SNOW any more jokes!" I grinned.

"Ha, no worries, I can come up with enough jokes for the both of us," Avocado assured me. "You can make a SURE BET on that! HA!"

"Ugh..." A cookie sighed, and I turned around to find Espresso Cookie standing there.

"Oh! Espresso Cookie! Hi!" I waved. "I was just about to go looking for you! Is everything alright?"

"Actually, there was something I'd like to ask you," he told me.

"Okay, go ahead," I urged him.

"Do you have any coffee around here?" He asked me. "I'm starting to come down with a bit of a headache."

"Oh," I started to say. "Well, yes, and no."

"What do you mean by that?" He pressed.

"I'll show you," I decided. "Come on, this way!"

I blew the door open with a gust of wind and formed a gently sloping path of ice down to the floor.

"You guys stay here," I told everyone else. "Espresso Cookie and I will be right back!"

I closed the door with another powerful gust as we left.

"Come on, it's this way," I urged Espresso, leading him across to the other side of the kitchen. "Up there."

I pointed to the top of the counter in front of us. I raised us up on a pillar of ice.

"Here it is," I explained. "Except... now that I think about it, all of the pre made brews and blends we have would make way too much to fit in such a tiny cup."

"That's not a problem," Espresso assured me. "I can make my own. I just need to get up there."

"That's easy," I explained, raising him up on a pillar of ice to the top of the coffee machine.

Espresso opened the lid to the coffee machine and summoned two espresso beans with his magic.

"Now I just need a bit of water--" He started to say. "Oh, this'll do."

"Ahem! I'd like to be let down now," He called down moments later.

"Oh, right, sorry!" I apologized as I lowered him down on the pillar of ice.

"Now, to turn this thing on..." Espresso started to say.

"Oh, don't worry, I can do that," I assured him. "Just place your cup right there."

I instructed him to place his cup in the middle of the tray. I raised myself up on a platform of ice and pressed the button to start the coffee machine.

It took a minute or two to warm up, then three drops off coffee dripped into Espresso's tiny cup.

"Well?" I asked him as he took a sip.

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