Chapter 1

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I sat on my bed crying. How could I be so stupid? To think that he would actually want to be with me? A 35 year old man in love with me? Ha. Never happening.

You may be asking yourself what happened so let me take you to the beginning of my career in 2022.

February 16th, 2022-
Today is my wrestling debut, I am wrestling in GCW and it's against one of my best friends the man who got me here. Nick Wayne.

I got ready and then made my entrance then he made his. We shook hands and then got started. Nick Wayne, Jordan Oliver, and Blake Christian have really been training me so I would at least know what I'm doing.

Our match went for about 13 minutes and he beat me, after the match he gave me a hug and we went to the back.

"You did great out there Clo." Blake said. Blake, Jordan and Nick were the older brothers I've never had. My dad died in a car accident when I was 10 he was best friends with Buddy Wayne, Nicks dad, they wrestled a lot on the inde promotions, they never got to big or popular but they were good. And now Nicks dad is gone and so is mine.

I sat down and just looked at the picture of my dad in my phone case. "You okay Clo?" Blake sat next to me, Nick and Jordan across from me. "Yeah I just wish my dad was here to see me, to see this." I wiped the tears that were threatening to fall, away. "Hey, I know how you feel, if there is one person who knows that feeling, it's me. Clo we were raised together, you knew my dad and I knew yours, and tragically they passed away around the same time. So I'm here for you cause I was once in this exact situation, shit i still think about it all the time, just know your dad is proud of you, he always has been." Nick put his hands on my shoulders.

I looked up at him to see his eyes watery from his own tears. I gave Nick a hug and the other two joined in. "There's our beautiful babies." I heard my mom say. He all break apart from the group hug to see mine and Nicks mom walking through the hall towards us.

"Hey mom, hey auntie." I said. "You okay Clo?" Nicks mom rubbed my back. "Yeah I am now." I smiled. "Good cause, after you four shower we are taking you for dinner." My mom said. "Shit, you ain't gotta tell me twice, I'm hungry." I laughed and started walking towards the locker room.

When I got in the women's locker room I saw Billie Starks and Masha. "You did great out there." Billie said. "Thank you." I smiled, I grabbed my clothes and headed towards the shower.

Billie and I have never been super close friends but we're mutual towards each other. After my shower we went out to eat then I went to bed.

*A year later*
Nick is now working for AEW with one of his friends Darby Allin. I know Darby cause I used to get in the ring with him and Nick when we were young.

I had boughten a ticket to that show to support him, his mom and I were sitting front row when he made his entrance. He walked down the ramp and walked over to us first.

He gave each of us a hug and I said "You got this Nick, you've been ready for this." He smiled and nodded, and took a deep breath.

A few minutes later the match had started. Nick fought his heart out and almost died a few times, but in the end Swerve Beat him. After the match Nick walked back over to us and said "Come with me guys, Tony said I could bring you guys to the back, and I want Tony to meet you Clo."

"Okay, do you want us to walk around, or just jump over the barrier?" His mom asked, "Just jump over the Barrier, they're not filming anymore so it's not like the network will get mad." He said.

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