Chapter 40

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The next morning I woke up to zero messages, not even from Toni, juice, or the Gunns. I had a killer headache from last night so I took some ibuprofen, then threw some sweatpants on.

I went downstairs and made myself and the boys some food. "Hey, you feeling okay?" Blake asked, "Yeah, just have a headache, I took some ibuprofen, and now I'm making food for all of us." I said.

"Did you see the pictures that the paparazzi released from last night and all the rumors that they are making up?" He asked, "no, let me see." I said and he handed me his phone.

They were pictures of his arm around my shoulder from when he was guiding me into the party last night, and pictures of us coming out, and it was captioned "Did AEW Women's Star Chloe Campbell break up with her coworker Jay White for Blake Christian?"

"What the actual fuck." I said and handed his phone back to him. I grabbed mine and made a post to all of my platforms right away saying "JAY AND I DID NOT BREAK UP. I HAVE BEEN FRIENDS WITH BLAKE SINCE I WAS A KID. HE PROMISED MY MOM TO TAKE CARE OF ME WHEN SHE DIED. STOP MAKING SHIT UP. I LOVE JAY AND I WOULD NEVER DO THAT TO HIM."

The post instantly went viral and got over a million reposts and likes, and comments saying "You and Jay are perfect, don't ever break up." And "I knew the rumors were fake."

Soon after that the other boys woke up and we all ate, my headache went away after that, and the boys and I decided to swim then go to the gym.

When we got back from the gym I took a nap then when I woke up I decided to text Toni saying "Hey is everything good?" She replied right away "Yeah the only one who is mad is Jay, but everyone else is fine."

"I don't get why he's mad, he is refusing to talk to me right now, and I don't even know why." I said, "Yeah he still hasn't told us anything on why he's mad, maybe you should try texting or calling him." She said, "Ok u will try to call him now." I said.

I was nervous at first then just went for it and called him. It went straight to voicemail the first time so I tried again, voicemail, so I tried again finally he answered.

"Jay?" I said, I could hear him breathing heavily on the other end of the phone. "Jay?" I said softly. "Jay you better fucking reply to her." I heard Toni yell at him.

"Fine." He grunted. "What's up?" He asked.

"Really what's up? That's all I get? You have been such a fucking dick to me for no fucking reason, like I literally did absolutely fucking nothing and you are treating me as if I'm the worst girl you have ever been with. Seriously what the fuck is up with that?" I went off. "Chloe." Jay said. "Yes?" I answered, "calm down. Let me explain." He said, "ok then explain." I said.

"You never told me that you were thinking about going to Japan, I'm not allowed in that country and then you sprung that on me in front of the whole world, I don't want to be millions of miles away from you, it's already hard enough not having you here." Jay said. "Jamie, you could have told me this from the beginning. I get that you don't like being apart but I will only be in Japan the days I am on a tour and then depending on where you and I are at in a year will determine if I travel with you or go home or stay in Japan, and it's only going to a year that I'm with them." I said, "I know it's just that when I was out in Japan those 7 or 8 years I missed everyone that I had gotten close with, cause I couldn't see them as much, and I'm really going to miss you." He said.

I took a deep breath and rubbed my eyes. "Jay you were gone for 8 years, I will only be gone for 1, and I am not going to be in Japan the whole time, I will come back when a tour is over, then once my year runs out in Japan I will come back, just please stop fighting me on this, this is my life and if I want to go to Japan I will, with or without your approval." I said. "Oh. Well it's getting late over here, so I'm gonna go to bed, goodnight." Jay said then hung up.

I got angry when he hung up and threw the pillow at the wall. Maybe I should just not even try talking to him. I thought.

Every time I try he hangs up because something's not going his way. I flopped back down on the bed and cried, I love Jay. He is the first boy to make me feel loved, and now he's acting like an asshole.

I laid down for a little while longer before there was a knock on my door. "Come in." I said, my voice was muffled because my face was still face down in the bed.

I heard my door open and I felt someone jump on me. "What's wrong?" I heard nicks voice ask.

I sat up and said "Jay finally talked to me but he's mad at me because I want to wrestle in Japan for a year." I said, "Oh just ignore him, we're going to go to Olive Garden for dinner, wanna come?" He asked. "Yeah let me get dressed." I said, he nodded and left my room.

This is the outfit I picked out then I met the boys downstairs

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This is the outfit I picked out then I met the boys downstairs.

"You are always overdressed." Blake said. "No you guys are just underdressed." I said and we walked out of the house and to Jordan's car. We got to the restaurant and got seated pretty quickly because there wasn't like anyone there.

"What would you all like to drink?" The lady asked. "Red wine." I said and Nick kicked me from under the table, "Beer." Blake said, "Whiskey with Coke please." Nick said, "Can I just get some water, I'm the driver so I can't drink." Jordan said.

"Ok can I see your guy's ID?" She asked, we all showed her our IDs then she said "Ok I will right out with your drinks."

When she left Nick looked at me and said "You're not supposed to be drinking." "I'm 21, plus I'm not going to be drinking everyday, it's just wine, and I'm on a week vacation." I said.

"Fine, but no more for a while after tonight." He said. Soon after that the waitress came back with our drinks and we ordered our food.

We all ate and laughed about old times when I got a call from Toni.

"Hello." I answered. "Hey Jay is really fucked up, we went to a club and all he's been saying is how you hate him, you want to break up, and how the rumors were right, you and Blake are together now." She said "No, no, no." I told her. "Guys I will be right back." I told the boys.

"Put him on the phone." I said as I walked out of the restaurant.

"Hello." I heard Jay's slurred voice. "Jay are you okay?" I asked, "Yeah I'm fine." He said. "Baby, we did not break up, I don't hate you, I love you so much, and Blake and I are not together, I would never do that to you." I said.

"We're not broken up?" He asked, "No Jay, we are still very much together." I said. "Ok good, I don't want to lose you." He said, "You won't, but you clearly need sleep, get some rest okay?" I told him. "Ok, goodnight I love you." He said, "goodnight I love you too." I said then he hung up.

I walked back in the restaurant and sat back down with the group. "Is everything ok?" Jordan asked. "It's a long story, but I'm gonna need another glass of wine." I rubbed my eyes.

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