Chapter 24

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I'm backstage and no one knows I'm here except TK, I'm watching Toni Storms match and Toni pushed Britt into the ref so that's my cue. I booked it through the arena and ran right past Jay. "Clo?" He said,  I ignored him and ran through the curtain, threw my belts on the ground and ran to the ring to help Toni.

I gave Britt my finisher then Toni did hers, I picked up the ref and threw him in the ring and Toni pinned Britt. Toni's music then I raised her hand and point at her.

But that was shortly interrupted by Jay's music. The whole gang walked out with him and Toni and I stayed in the ring.

"Congratulations Toni, and welcome back Chloe, are these your belts?" Jay picked up my belts. "Oh wow they're heavy." He said.

"Put my belts down right fucking now." I grabbed a mic "Why don't you come and take them from me." He said I didn't say anything else I rolled out of the ring and walked towards him with Toni by my side.

I grabbed my titles but he didn't let go. I pulled on them and yanked him towards me as well.

"You ever touch my property again I will fuck you up." I got the belts out of his hands.

"Ladies and gentlemen I was just informed by Toni Khan that this Saturday it will be Jay White and Ruby SoHo vs Chloe Campbell and Zack Saber Jr." Tony Schiavone said.

"Fuckkkk." Jay screamed. "See you Saturday darling." I walked past him and to the back with Toni.

"Oh girl I missed you, this was a pleasant surprise." Toni hugged me, "I know I knew I was going to be helping you out when I got here Tony told me, but I didn't know about the promo with Jay." I said.

"Oh darling we have missed you." Jay walked through the curtain and put his arm around me. I looked up at him confused. "What we have, you are all we have talked about since you left." He looked down at me, I looked at the rest of the group and they all nodded. "See I knew I was the favorite." I laughed.

"Hey Chloe since you are back we have to film rampage tonight you wanna have a match?" Tony Khan asked. "Yeah of course, who am I wrestling?" I asked. "Jamie Hayter." He said. "Perfect I will go get ready." I said and started walking to my locker room. I put on my black and blue gear to match my hair and curled my hair I put my boots on and put my AEW title around my waist then I put my leather jacket on and put my other titles on my shoulders.

Then I did my makeup and went to find everyone.

"Hey guys." I walked into Jay's locker room where everyone was. "Oh you're wrestling tonight?" Nick asked. "Yup I'm wrestling Jamie Hayter." I sat down next to him. "You look good." Jay said. "Thank you." I said in a very weird questioning tone.

And everyone had an expression that matched my tone. Toni cleared her throat then said "You excited for your match on Saturday?" "Yes I am, I get to team with Zack and we're facing Jay and Ruby SoHo." I smiled. "Yeah yeah, Zack gets to team with you, the best women's wrestler today and I get stuck with one of the worst, and I'm not saying that she's always been bad, she was good, but age took a toll on her. We're doomed." He rested his head in his hands.

"Oh don't worry Jay, it's just some friendly competition." I stood up and patted his head. He looked up at me and smiled "I guess so." He said. "Well guys it was good talking to you but I gotta go win another match." I said.

"Ok, I will come with you, bye guys." Toni followed me. "Good luck Clo." Jay said, I smiled and nodded.

Toni and I walked out of the room and she put her arm around me. "Jay was totally flirting with you." He said, "What no he wasn't." I blushed.

"You're blushing, oh my god, you guys need to be together." She said. "I told you he won't date me because of the age gap." I put my head down.

"Hey, if he won't date you because of the age gap, then we will make him regret it, and I'm not saying sleep with someone but start wearing clothes that he likes do flirtatious things in front of him and if he comes onto you then say you don't want to because you're not dating, then start flirting with someone in front of him, like don't sleep with the dude but maybe get someone to play along, then when he finally realizes that you are the one he will come to you." She lifted my head up.

"Well you have really thought about this one." I laughed as Jamie made her entrance. Then I made mine, this match is for all of the titles so I have to be focused.

The match went 20 minutes and I beat her with an octopus hold. Then I cut a promo then went backstage and found Jay sitting next to the curtain.

"Hey your match looked amazing." Jay said, Toni winked at me and walked away. "Thanks, what are you doing here?" I asked. "Well I work here." He laughed, "that's not what I meant, I meant what are you doing right here? I would expect you to be in your locker room." I smiled. "Well I wanted to talk to you, it's been a while since I've seen you." He said, "well if you want to talk that bad then follow me to my locker room I need to sit down." I started walking to my locker room and he followed me.

"So how have you been?" I sat down on my couch. "I've been good, I also wanted to know if you maybe wanted to go out to dinner tonight?" He asked. "Just us?" I questioned, "Yeah, if not that's totally o-" "Jay I would love to, help me pick out an outfit." I interrupted him and took Toni's advice on wearing clothes that he liked.

"Ok, yeah." He smiled. I brought a few dresses with me, you can pick

 I brought a few dresses with me, you can pick

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"I like the first one, it's a little cold so that one looks better and will keep you just a little warmer

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"I like the first one, it's a little cold so that one looks better and will keep you just a little warmer." He smiled, I nodded then grabbed the dress and headed to the shower.

I curled my hair and did my makeup then walked out to put my heels on, and Jay was gone. He probably went to get dressed.

I grabbed my bags then headed to Jay's locker room. I knocked on the door and he opened it almost immediately. He looked different.

He shaved his face and he was wearing an all black suit, his hair was tied back and he had sunglasses on.

"You good beautiful." He kissed my hand, "thank you, you don't look too bad yourself." I smiled.

"Alright well shall we go?" He asked, "Yeah." I nodded, he took my bags then we left.

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