Chapter 58

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Quick question- not related to this book.... But should I make another Jay white book? It could be a sequel to my very first one, or it could be a whole new story let me know...

Jay's pov-
I laid down as I thought, how could Blake do that to her? She is in the seat in front of me asleep and she's like fine with all of this. How? If that were me I'd be devastated.
After a while of thinking I finally fell asleep.

I ended up waking up mid flight because I kept dreaming about her. I hate how badly I messed up.

For the rest of the flight I was asleep off and on dreaming about her and. When the plane finally landed I woke her up, which startled her a little bit.

"Sorry, it's just that she plane landed." I said, "no you are fine, thanks for waking me." She sat up. "We will go to my house first and get settled in then we can go get food, and do whatever." She said as she folded up her blankets. "Ok sounds good to me." I said and went to get all my stuff from my seat.

Chloe's pov:
As I looked at Jay all of the emotions from our relationship came back, I quickly pushed all of them to the side and got up to get off the plane.

I called an uber for us then we went back to my place. "So what do you want to do after this?" Jay asked, "Get some food, I need food." I said, "Thank god me too." Jay laughed. "Hey can I ask you something?" I asked. "Yeah of course." He smiled.

"When we broke up how did you react to it?" I asked. He looked at me then down for a moment before he said "I was depressed for a while because we broke up and because I didn't see you for a while because you went to Japan." I looked at him and smiled. "So was I."

"Ok well since it's just us tonight, after we eat let's play a game." He smiled and I was worried, "Okay."

*A few hours later*
"Ok so we have twister, or we can play truth or drink." Jay said. "Let's play truth or drink." I smiled. I grabbed the case of beer and we headed up to my room with the card game. "Let's take a few drinks to get started." I said. And he nodded.

"Ok I'm younger I will go first, draw the card and ask me." I said. "Ok, who was your first kiss?" He asked. "You." I smiled and he smirked. "Ok, your turn, what's the most illegal thing you have ever done?" I asked. "I started a fired when I was younger." He said and i laughed.

After a few hours of playing we got bored and we were both drunk. "Jay, do you love me?" I asked. We were both laying on my bed facing up with just my LEDs on. "Of course I love you. You are the only person I love. All I want was you." He turned towards me.

I turned towards him as well and smiled. "Well I love you more." I kissed him and got on his lap. He continued to kiss me as he turned us over.

He took my shirt off and kissed my neck and chest leaving marks from it. "Jay." I said. "Yeah?" He asked. "I'm gonna throw up." I said and rushed to my bathroom and threw up in my toilet.

"I'm gonna run you a bath." He said. "I'm sorry for ruining the moment." I said. "Hey it's okay, you're sick." He smiled as he helped me up and cleaned up my face. "Thank you." I said as I stripped to get into the bathtub.

"You're beautiful. You know that?" Jay said as I laid down and let the water cover me. "You're only saying that because I'm naked and you're horny." I laughed. "Shut up I am not. I'm being serious. With or without clothes you are beautiful. And your personality is beautiful." He smiled at me.

"Jay no I am not. I was a drug addict, an alcoholic, and I was and still am suicidal. I had an eating disorder when I went out to Japan and I get tattoos and piercings cause I like the pain. That's not beautiful." I said and he stared at me.

"You had an eating disorder?"

Authors note-
I am very sorry that this took so long to write, I had writers block for months and just couldn't think of anything for this chapter, so I hope you like it but I don't feel as though that this is my best work.

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