Chapter 23

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Tonight is Wrestle kingdom and my gear match's my hair. I was stretching backstage when Jeff Cobb, Kyle Fletcher, Francesco Akira, and Gideon Grey walked up to me.

"If it isn't Chloe three belts." Jeff Cobb said. "Yeah what do you need?" I stood up. "Well we were thinking, we don't have a woman in our faction and you're the best woman in pro wrestling right now, so what do you think about joining the United Empire?" Kyle said and I laughed.

"Why are you laughing?" Gideon Grey asked. "You see these 4 letters on the back of my jacket? TMDK. That means 'The mighty don't kneel' not to anyone, not to you not to Jay, Okada no one. So my answer is no." I said.

"Get away from her Dickheads." I heard Zack. "We were just talking to her." Cobb said. "Yeah sure, I don't need you corrupting my young padawan's mind." Zack said.

"Fine, good luck tonight Chloe, think about the offer we made." Cobb said. "I already said no, there will be no further thinking." I said.

Akira waved and fallowed the rest of the guys. "What was the offer?" Zack asked as we walked back to the TMDK locker room.

"Asked if I would join the empire, I said no and laughed in their faces." I said, "good." He smiled.

*Shortly after that.*
My match is now and I'm making my way to the gorilla, all of TMDK with me. Mercedes made her entrance first then I made mine. All of the Tokyo Dome was full and they all sung my song.

I made my way to the ring and held my new Japan belts in the air as this match was for these belts. I handed them to red shoes and handed my AEW title and my jacket to Zack. I stretched them the bell rung. I locked up with Mercedes and took her to the mat quick.

Throughout the match I put her in a lot of submissions but after 38 minutes I gave her my finisher then put her in the octopus lock. And she tapped out. The bell rung and I just fell. Robbie and Fujita had water and ice packs for me. "You did it. You won." Zack helped me up.

The ref handed me my belts and raised my arm. After that I walked to the back to do my backstage comments.

I sat down and put the ice pack on my neck. "I am 20 fucking years old. 20. These women have been wrestling for 20 years and longer I have been wrestling for 5 that's it. And yet I am better than any woman on this planet, I don't care who you are what your name is how long you have been wrestling I know I am better than you. And if you want to prove otherwise it doesn't matter if you're from AEW, WWE, NJPW, Stardom, rev pro, you know where to find me, and I will show you I am a fucking diamond, you are cheap fucking leather. This is the best Technical wrestler in the world Zack Saber Jr. This is his young one Kosei Fujita, this is the sniper of the sky Robbie Eagles. I am a Diamond Chloe 3 belts, Chloe Fucking Campbell, and I am the best women's wrestler in the world, and we are TMDK, and that means The Mighty Don't Kneel. Not to Jay White, not to Little Brittle Bryan, not to Okada, and not to the United Empire. Goodnight." I said. Fujita and Robbie helped me up and helped me to my locker room.

"Thank you guys, I'm going to take a shower I will meet you guys back at Zack's house." I said, "Alright if you need anything just give us a call." Zack said and they left. I got in the shower then got dressed in some sweatpants and a crop top. I grabbed my bag which had my belts and my gear in it.

"Hey Chloe." I heard Gedo call. I turned around and saw him with Finlay, Will Ospreay, and Okada. "Yeah what's up?" I walked over to them.

"Each one of these men has shown interest in you being in their faction, I told them I would talk to you, so what do you think?" He asked. "No." I said. "No?" Finlay asked. "I said No you illiterate bitch. Okada and Will, you both are extremely extremely fucking amazing, I have the upmost respect for both of you. But I'm with TMDK, Zack has really taken me under his wing and showed me the Japanese style, the Technical style, so that's where my loyalty's lie." I said. "Ok we can respect that, thank you for your time and at least you aren't like Moloney." Will said.

I nodded and shook Will's and Okada's hand then left.

"God no one knows when to leave me the fuck alone." I said when I walked into Zack's house. "Why what happened? Are you okay?" Zack jumped up from his couch.

"Finlay, Will and Okada all want me in their factions, and I was fine with Will and Okada because they weren't bugging they have just took notice of my skills but fucking David Finlay doesn't know what 'No' means. Will and Okada were respectful and supportive of my decision and praised me for not being like Dan Moloney, but not Finlay he had to fucking cry about it." I sat down.

"Oh yeah, he's an idiot, just ignore him, we're going to order food and probably play the Nintendo switch, you down for that?" Robbie asked. "Yeah, what game?" I asked.

"Just dance, Mario cart, and maybe a trivia game." Zack said. "I'm down, I love just dance." I smiled. "Ok, I have a winning record against everyone so let's see if you can beat me." Robbie jumped up and turned the console on.

We did a tournament and Robbie and I was in the finals and Zack picked the dance, he picked "Hips don't lie." By Shakira.

"Ooo, I'm good at this one." Robbie said. "You know this one?" Zack asked. "I have only done it once, and that was 5 years ago." I lied.

I have actually done this one a lot, but I don't want Robbie to know that. The dance started and I beat him badly.

*A few weeks later*

These past few weeks in Japan is exactly what I needed. But now it's time to go home. "Alright thank you Zack, I will see you soon hopefully." I gave him a hug. He drove me to the airport since I have no car out here.

"Anytime, and yes hopefully I see you soon." He said then I left.

*Back at home*

I am now back in Seattle and I have a resting day before I have to fly to Los Angeles for dynamite.

I pretty much just cleaned, packed and slept the whole day then when I woke up the next day I headed over to the airport. I had hired a driver to drive my car back to my house.

I got on the plane and put my airpods in and just chilled, the flight was just 2 1/2 hours so it wasn't bad at all, it went by pretty quick.

When I landed Tony had a driver ready for me, he took me to the hotel and when I got there I saw Nick. "Hey Nicky boy." I said, he turned around and hugged me right away.

"When did you get back to the U.S.?" He asked, "yesterday then I just got to L.A. about 30 minutes ago." I said. "Well it's good to see you again, how was it in Japan?" He asked, "It was amazing, I stayed with TMDK at Zack's house." I said.

"Good, well let's get checked in so you can get more rest before Wednesday." Nick said, "Yeah I have jet lag like a mother fucker." I laughed.

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