Chapter 42

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I made my way to the back with the crowd still chanting "Thank you Chloe." All of my friends were right behind me and I was doing good until I made my way behind the curtain.

I broke down and cried. I cried and cried and Nick picked me up from off the floor and said "It's okay."

"I told you not to leave, you're gonna have to deal with this now." Jay said. "WOW you're one to fucking talk." I said "I'm one to talk, what do you mean by that?" Jay asked. "Juice told me how you reacted when you got banned from new Japan and the country." I said.

Jay looked at juice, and juice left. "That's different, I got banned, you didn't, you are choosing to leave this and everyone behind." He yelled. "I'm choosing to make myself better, and you made the choice to leave new Japan, if you would have resigned with them they wouldn't have banned you, you made the choices you made now you have to live with it. I'm making the choices I make because I want to get better, I'm already the best in America, imagine what I can do in Japan, imagine the money the fame, the titles I can have over in Japan, and besides I will be back in a year anyway so I don't know why you even have a fucking problem with it." I yelled back.


At this point everybody was looking at us and watching our relationship fall apart. Jay was about say something else when I cut him off and said "You know what Jay, let's let all these people have it all. FUCK YOU. WE ARE FUCKING DONE, you can take those tickets that you bought for us and shove them right up your ass. I don't want anything to do with you anymore."

I was about to walk away when he grabbed my arm and said "So that's it?" "Yeah, now let go of me. I'm going home." I said and he did.

I walked to my locker room and grabbed all my things then left. Nick, Jordan, and Blake came with me and we all got some food then went to my house.

"Clo are you okay?" Jordan asked. "No I'm  fucking irritated. I lost the one person I actually love and fell for because he didn't like the fact that I wouldn't be here for a year. Like year I get it. It's fucking hard and I'm gonna miss everyone and everything but god fucking let me live my fucking life. If I have to live and be alive let me do it how I want to." I threw my keys across the room and walked upstairs.

I decided to take a shower to calm down and then I ate and hung out with the boys.

I got a few texts from the Gunns and Toni asking if I was serious about breaking up with Jay and I responded the same each time "Yes now stop asking."

*The next day*
*Jay's pov*
I got up really early this morning to catch my flight, I ran into my ex at the bar last night and decided since Chloe didn't want to go I would take her so she's coming with me.

"I'm so glad you and what's her name broke up." Savanna said, it still hurt me that Chloe ended things but maybe it's for the better, all I know is that when she comes back I'm gonna try my hardest to get her back in my arms. "Yeah my mom's not gonna be too happy to see you though, she was really looking forward to meeting Chloe." I scratched my head.

"Well she can get over it, cause Chloe fumbled and I just scored." She snickered. I didn't say anything else, we just grabbed our bags and headed out the hotel door.

We went to Starbucks first, I remember paying for Chloe's drink and danish every morning. We ordered and Savanna expected me to pay but I didn't "Uhmm." She said "What?" I asked, "weren't you going to pay?" She asked "No, we're not together, I only pay if we're together, plus you have your own money." I said

She rolled her eyes and paid for her food. After we got our stuff we headed to the airport. When we got there I saw Nick, Blake and Jordan but no Chloe.

"Wait right here." I told savanna and she nodded. I walked over to them and said "Hey guys, is Chloe with you?" "Hey man, yeah she's in the bathroom, we're all going to Bora Bora for 3 weeks then we're going to come back to Seattle so she can pack before heading to Japan." Nick said.

"Oh ok, well I gotta go I wish she was out here cause I needed to talk to her, but you guys have a good trip. And let her know that I am really fucking sorry, I never meant to hurt her." I said "Well you don't seem to be too sorry considering you are with her." Blake pointed at savanna.

I didn't have a response so I just nodded and walked back to Sav.

Soon after that we got on our flight and headed to my hometown Auckland.

It's 7 Am over there, they are 21 hours ahead of us, and the flight is about 17 hours, so it's going to be around 12 Am when we get there.

*After the flight*
Once we got off the plane we headed to a hotel and slept then at 9 AM we got our things and headed over to my parents house.

"JAY." My mom hugged me when she opened the door. "This is Savanna, not the girl you were talking about, what happened to her?" My mom asked "Her and I broke up, I was mad because she was moving to Japan for a year and I ruined our relationship." I said "So you bring her instead?" My mom was mad. "Mom please." I tried to stop her from being mean "No she will not step foot in my house. I want her gone now. She is not welcomed." My mom said.

"Jay are you going to say something?" Savanna asked. "No my mom doesn't want you here, this is her house, I can't force her to let you stay, just go stay at a hotel or something, I will call you later." I said "Wow, Jay we are over." She stormed off. "WE WERE NEVER BACK TOGETHER." I yelled. "Get inside." My mom pulled me in.

"You are stupid for ruining your relationship because of that." My mom smacked my head. "I know mom, I know, I'm gonna do everything in my power to get her back when she comes back to AEW though." I said, "good, cause I want to meet her, so in the meantime show me some pictures." She smiled.

"Ok get ready to sit for hours because I have a lot of her." I smiled, we sat down and the first one I pulled out was a picture of her in my wallet. It's one of her with her natural hair color, she was in my shirt and was smiling and laughing. I remember this night.

This was before we got together, we were sleeping together but we weren't dating, her hair was long and beautiful, she was trying to stop me from taking this picture but I was able to get it, this was one of my favorite moments. "Jay she's beautiful." My mom said "Yeah she is, and her soul is even more beautiful. And I regret ever hurting her." I said and put the picture away, then pulled my phone out and went to my camera roll.

My mom loved all of her different hair colors, her style, her diamond rings, dress's, suits, and belts, but she loved the pictures of her and I when we were laying down, the ones of her in my shirts, of her laying her head on my chest, I started to cry as we looked at the videos, her voice and her eyes were so soft and pure. "Jay I have to meet her." My mom said "You will one day, and one day you will be sitting front row at our wedding, I will promise you that, cause I won't stop till I have her again." I said and she smiled,

"Well go get settled in then we will discuss her some more, maybe you can show me some of her matches." She said and I nodded.

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