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*Hyunjin's POV*

The hospital room had become our peculiar sanctuary, a place where time seemed to stretch and twist, subjecting us to the strange reality of Felix's condition. I refused to leave his side, my love for him anchoring me in the room where his identity remained a mystery, lost in the labyrinth of his mind.

Each day felt like a torturous cycle of hope and despair as we watched Felix's still form, yearning for a sign, a glimmer of recognition. We clung to the memories we once shared, desperate to rekindle the spark that had once ignited our love.

One by one, the remaining members of Stray Kids arrived at the hospital, their somber faces a mirror of my own anguish. Changbin, Jisung, Minho, Jeongin, and Seungmin—all of them bore expressions of deep concern and sorrow as they gathered around Felix's bedside. The weight of the situation hung heavily in the air, and we shared a collective determination to uncover the truth.

The police had been diligently working on the case, and they had discovered a chilling piece of information: Felix had been stalked by a crazed sasaeng fan who had been present at the mall on the day of the accident. The revelation sent shivers down our spines, adding an unsettling layer of horror to an already nightmarish situation.

Changbin's voice quivered with anger as he spoke, his fists clenched in frustration. "We can't let this slide. Whoever did this to Felix, we need to find them and make sure they pay for what they've done."

Jeongin, who was usually the embodiment of youthful innocence, spoke with a trembling voice. "Felix is like family to us. We can't stand by and let someone hurt him like this."

The sentiment resonated with all of us, and in that somber moment, we made an unspoken pact to do everything in our power to uncover the identity of the stalker and ensure justice was served.

As the days turned into a week, the news of Felix's accident spread like wildfire in the K-pop community. The support from our fans, the STAYs, was overwhelming. They rallied around us, sending messages of love and encouragement, and vowing to stand by us in our quest for justice.

But even amidst the outpouring of support, a heavy cloud of sorrow hung over us. The knowledge that the stalker was still at large, potentially plotting their next move, weighed on our minds. We couldn't rest until we had unmasked this threat and ensured Felix's safety.

One sunny Sunday, I took a brief respite from the hospital room to clear my thoughts. The corridor, usually a bustling hub of activity, offered a moment of solitude, though the weight of our situation clung to me like a shadow.

As I passed the nurses' station, a familiar face called my name. "Hyunjin!"

I turned to see one of the nurses beckoning me over, her eyes reflecting a mixture of hope and concern. I hastened to her side, my heart pounding with anticipation.

"What is it?" I asked, my voice quivering.

The nurse pointed toward Felix's room, her voice tinged with urgency. "You won't believe this, but his eyes started fluttering just a few moments ago. It's as if he's waking up."

A surge of hope washed over me, mingling with the ever-present fear that had settled in my heart. Could this be the moment we had all been praying for? Had Felix finally decided to return to the waking world, to us?

I thanked the nurse and rushed to Felix's room, my heart racing with anticipation and dread.

When I entered the room, I saw it with my own eyes—Felix's eyelids were twitching, his eyes moving beneath them. It was a sight I had longed for, a moment that held the promise of his return to us.

I called out his name, my voice filled with emotion. "Felix?How are you feeling, love?"

His eyelids slowly lifted, revealing eyes that were clouded with confusion. He blinked several times, as if struggling to focus on his surroundings. And then, in a voice that was barely more than a whisper, he asked the question that shattered my heart into a million pieces.

"I'm sorry, but...who are you?"

The room fell into a heavy silence, and I felt a lump forming in my throat. Felix didn't recognize me. He didn't remember our love, our shared moments, or even his fellow members.

I could feel tears welling up in my eyes, and I choked back a sob as I realized the depth of his memory loss. My voice trembled as I whispered, "Felix, it's me, Hyunjin. I'm your boyfriend."

Felix's eyes held a blank look, devoid of recognition. He shook his head slowly, as if trying to clear the fog in his mind. "I'm sorry... I can't remember anything. Everything feels like a fuzz."

The weight of those words crushed me, and I buried my face in my hands, tears flowing freely. The room was filled with the palpable sorrow of our shattered memories, and the members looked on, their faces etched with grief.

The doctor, a compassionate figure amidst our despair, spoke softly, "I'm going to give you guys some time."

Time—the elusive concept that held both promise and despair. As the doctor left the room, a heavy silence settled over us once more. It was a silence punctuated by the occasional sound of stifled sobs.

Unable to bear the weight of my emotions any longer, I whispered to Felix, my voice quivering, "Felix, do you remember anything about us? Our love?"

Felix's brow furrowed as he tried to grasp at fragments of memory. His eyes darted around the room, seeking answers in the sterile surroundings. But the memories remained elusive, slipping through his fingers like grains of sand.

"I'm sorry," Felix murmured, his voice a fragile thread in the silence. "I can't remember anything..."

The words echoed in my ears, a painful reminder of the chasm that now separated us. The tears I had been holding back spilled over, and I sobbed openly, my shoulders shaking with the weight of our shared grief.

The other members gathered around, their expressions a mirror of my own heartache. We were bound by a love that transcended memory, but the pain of Felix's memory loss was a wound that ran deep.

In that moment of shared sorrow, I whispered to Felix, "It's okay, Felix. We'll help you remember. We'll rebuild our memories together, piece by piece, until you're whole again."

Felix's eyes held a glimmer of confusion and vulnerability, a silent plea for answers that I couldn't provide. But I was determined to be his anchor in the storm of uncertainty, to guide him back to the love and memories we had once shared.

As the room filled with the echoes of our grief and determination, I clung to the belief that love could conquer even the darkest of shadows, and that someday, Felix would remember not only his past but also the unwavering love that surrounded him.

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Sorry, not sorry! Maybe I made this chapter a little too sad and short-?? Whoops... Anyway, as you might know, this is a scheduled post since I'm not even online! Tomorrow's post is also a scheduled one, but don't worry, I'll post it myself on Monday! Thank you, guys, so much! Don't forget to comment and vote on this chapter!

-Love, Alle <33

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