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*Hyunjin's POV*

Morning sunlight streamed through the windows of our dorm, casting a warm and inviting glow upon the dining table where Stray Kids gathered for breakfast. It was a rare moment of tranquility amidst the chaos that had enveloped us recently. As we shared meals and stories, there was a semblance of normalcy, a temporary respite from the mysteries and threats that loomed over us.

Seated across from me, Felix was engrossed in a conversation with Changbin, their laughter filling the room. It should have been a heartwarming sight, but an inexplicable heaviness had settled within me. The past few days had felt strange, like a puzzle missing crucial pieces.

Every time Felix hugged or kissed me, it felt like a mere shadow of what we once shared. It was as though we were two people meeting for the first time, strangers fumbling in the dark. I couldn't help but wonder if I was pushing him into a relationship that he had no memory of, whether it was fair to impose the weight of our shared history upon him.

I yearned to bridge the gap between us, to rekindle the love that had once burned so brightly. But I feared that my efforts might drive him further away, trapping him in a web of emotions he couldn't comprehend. I was caught between my love for Felix and the fear of causing him undue distress.

As the others chatted animatedly, I caught Felix stealing glances at me, his eyes filled with a mixture of curiosity and uncertainty. It was a stark reminder that he was navigating unfamiliar territory, trying to make sense of a world where his memories were fractured and incomplete.

Unable to bear the weight of my internal struggle any longer, I rose from my seat, my decision clear in my mind. I needed to reconnect with Felix, to remind him of our shared past, and to help him find the missing fragments of his memory.

"Felix," I said, my voice gentle yet determined, "do you want to go to the park with me?"

Felix looked up from his conversation with Changbin, surprise flickering in his eyes. "The park?" he echoed, clearly taken aback by the sudden suggestion.

I nodded, my gaze never leaving his. "Yeah," I replied, "the park where we used to go together when we were kids. Maybe it'll help you remember something."

A subtle flicker of uncertainty passed across Felix's face, but then he offered a tentative smile. "Sure, Hyunjin," he said, his voice soft, "let's go to the park."

We left the dorm, the bright morning sun warming our skin as we made our way to the familiar park. The journey was filled with a quiet tension, the unspoken words hanging heavy between us. I knew I had to tread carefully, to be patient with Felix's fragile memories.

As we arrived at the park, the memories of our childhood flooded back, washing over me like a tidal wave. This place held countless moments of laughter and companionship, of shared secrets and dreams. It was where our bond had first taken root.

Felix, on the other hand, seemed unbothered as he glanced around, his expression calm. For him, this place was an enigma, a jigsaw puzzle with missing pieces. But I couldn't give up. I needed to jog his memory, to help him find what he had lost.

We strolled along the familiar paths, the leaves rustling overhead and the sound of children playing in the background. The serenity of the park was punctuated by Felix's occasional comments about the scenery, about how peaceful it all seemed.

And then, just as I was beginning to wonder if I had made a mistake, it happened. Felix's face contorted in pain, his hand clutching his head as if trying to hold onto fleeting memories. It was a sharp and unexpected moment, one that filled me with both concern and hope.

Love's Memory ~ HyunlixWhere stories live. Discover now