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*Hyunjin's POV*

The morning sun streamed into our dorm room, casting a warm, golden glow that promised a day filled with celebration and surprises. It was Jisung's birthday, and we were determined to make it special, especially after the emotional discovery of the binder from the previous night.

While Jisung still slumbered peacefully in his room, the rest of us had awoken early to decorate the dorm and prepare a surprise birthday celebration. Balloons in various shades adorned the living room, and a homemade banner that read "Happy Birthday, Jisung!" hung proudly on the wall. The scent of freshly baked cake wafted from the kitchen.

With everything in place, we couldn't contain our excitement any longer. We crept down the hallway, anticipation building with every step. When we reached Jisung's room, Felix held the cake in front of him, a mischievous glint in his eye.

As we burst into his room, our voices filled with joy, we were greeted by the sight of a half-naked Jisung, still tangled in his blankets. He let out a groggy protest, blinking in confusion at our exuberance.

But before he could fully grasp what was happening, we screamed at the top of our lungs, "Happy birthday, Jisung!" The sheer volume of our excitement seemed to jolt him awake, and his eyes went wide with surprise.

I held out the cake, candles flickering with eager anticipation. Jisung's eyes glistened with tears as he looked at each of us, his heart undoubtedly overwhelmed by our love and the effort we had put into making his day special.

After the candles were blown out, and the cake was eagerly devoured, Felix presented Jisung with the binder. The room fell silent as he flipped through its pages, memories flooding back to him. Tears flowed freely down his cheeks as he recalled the moments we had shared together.

Felix couldn't help but feel a sense of joy and fulfillment as he watched Jisung's reaction. Even though he couldn't remember those moments, seeing the impact it had on his friend was a reward in itself.

The day continued with laughter and fun as we headed to the amusement park Jeongin had recommended. The thrill of the rides, the taste of cotton candy, and the sound of our laughter filled the air. For a moment, I felt a fleeting sense of déjà vu, like a distant memory trying to break free.

As we entered the park, our excitement bubbled over. Felix couldn't resist buying a giant stuffed animal at one of the game stalls, and he proudly carried it around, much to the amusement of the others. We took turns trying our luck at various games, with mixed results.

Changbin, always confident and unflappable, declared that he wouldn't scream on the roller coaster, insisting that he was a fearless daredevil. However, as soon as the ride started and the first drop sent us hurtling downward, Changbin's bravado quickly evaporated. He let out a scream so loud that it could be heard throughout the entire park, and his face turned an impressive shade of green. We laughed so hard that our sides hurt.

Jeongin, on the other hand, had an uncanny ability to win at every game he tried. By the end of the day, he had amassed a staggering collection of plush toys, much to the envy of the rest of us. He graciously distributed his winnings among our group, ensuring that each of us went home with a fluffy souvenir.

We couldn't resist the allure of the park's famous funnel cakes, and we indulged in the sugary, fried delights. Powdered sugar covered our faces and clothing, and we wore our sticky mess as badges of honor.

But the highlight of our day was undoubtedly the roller coaster that spiraled and looped through the sky. We waited in line with a mixture of anticipation and nervousness, clutching our safety bars as the previous riders returned with wild expressions of exhilaration.

As we climbed into our seats and the ride began its ascent, tension filled the air. I could even sense the nervous energy radiating from my friends. But as soon as the coaster plummeted downward and twisted through a series of inversions, all pretenses of composure were lost.

Felix, who had been giddy with excitement, couldn't stop himself from screaming, his voice mingling with Changbin's as they both hollered in terror and delight. Seungmin clung to his seat with a white-knuckled grip, his eyes squeezed shut, while Jeongin raised his arms and whooped with abandon.

Even I, with my limited memories and a sense of unease about roller coasters, found myself swept up in the thrill of the ride. The wind rushed past us, and the world became a blur of colors and sensations.

As we finally coasted to a stop, breathless and disheveled, we erupted into cheers and laughter. It was a moment of pure, unadulterated joy, a memory that would stay with us forever.

The day continued with more adventures, and we embraced every moment of it. From trying our luck at arcade games to indulging in sweet treats, we relished the simple pleasures of the amusement park. It was a day of laughter, camaraderie, and newfound memories.

But just as the day was filled with joy and hope, a sudden twist shattered the tranquility. My phone rang with an unknown number flashing on the screen, and a sense of unease washed over me. I picked up the call, my voice tense as I asked, "Who is this?"

The voice on the other end was chilling, sending shivers down my spine. "I already hurt him once," the unknown person said, their tone dripping with menace, "and I can hurt him even more the second time."

My eyes widened in shock and fear as the chilling words from the unknown caller reached me. The voice had been menacing, and the threat it carried was undeniable. I clutched the phone tightly, my mind racing with a thousand questions and fears.

As I hung up the call, my friends turned to me, their expressions filled with concern and confusion. Felix, in particular, looked at me with a mixture of worry and fear.

"What happened, Hyunjin?" Chan asked, his voice laced with worry.

I swallowed hard, my throat dry. The words that tumbled from my lips were filled with a sense of urgency and dread. "We need to protect Felix."

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Here's the second and last chapter for today! Now, I'm off to hit the books and study for an exam. Send me some good luck vibes, will you?

Did that plot twist catch you by surprise? It certainly blindsided me, just popped into my head out of nowhere! :>>

Anyway, I'll be heading out now. Remember to comments and give it a vote if you enjoyed it! Much love to all you wonderful folks out there!

Happy Reading :))

-Love, Alle <3

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Love's Memory ~ HyunlixWhere stories live. Discover now