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*Hyunjin's POV*

Minutes turned into hours as we clung to the desperate belief that Felix's memories would one day return, like a ship lost at sea, guided by a distant lighthouse. But the darkness of uncertainty loomed, casting a long shadow over our fragile hopes.

The doctors decided to conduct a series of scans on Felix's brain, hoping to shed light on the mysterious shroud that had enveloped his memories. As they wheeled him away from his room, his eyes met mine, and I could see the fear and confusion that lingered within them.

Hours passed, each minute feeling like an eternity as I waited anxiously for any word from the medical team. Finally, a nurse approached me with a solemn expression, her eyes filled with sympathy.

"Mr. Hwang, the doctors would like to speak with you," she said gently.

My heart clenched in my chest as I followed her to a small, sterile room. The doctors, their faces etched with concern, sat around a table cluttered with scans and medical notes.

One of them, Dr. Park, a middle-aged man with kind eyes, spoke. "Mr. Hwang, we've conducted several scans on Felix's brain, and the results are... troubling."

I swallowed hard, my voice trembling as I asked, "What did you find?"

Dr. Park sighed heavily. "It appears that Felix has suffered a severe trauma to the brain. The extent of the damage is significant, and it's affecting his memory. We can't say for certain when or if his memories will return."

The words struck me like a blade through the heart. I had hoped for answers, for a glimmer of hope, but instead, I was met with a cold and uncertain future.

"What do you mean?" I stammered, my voice breaking. "Will he ever remember us, his life, our love?"

Dr. Park's expression softened as he placed a reassuring hand on my shoulder. "There's a chance he may remember some basic information, but specific details, especially those tied to emotional memories, could be hard to retrieve. It's a delicate situation, Mr. Hwang."

I nodded, my throat tight with emotion. "Thank you for being honest."

As I left the room, my steps felt heavier than ever. The burden of uncertainty pressed down on me, threatening to suffocate me with its weight.

Returning to Felix's room, I found the other members waiting anxiously. Their eyes were filled with concern and a deep longing for answers.

Changbin was the first to speak, his voice laced with worry. "Hyunjin, what did the doctors say?"

I took a deep breath, my heart heavy with the knowledge I had just received. "Felix has suffered significant brain trauma. They can't guarantee when or if his memories will return."

A heavy silence settled over the room as the gravity of the situation sunk in. We had all hoped for a miracle, but reality had dealt us a cruel hand.

I could feel tears welling up in my eyes, and before I knew it, I was sobbing uncontrollably. Jisung, always the compassionate one, rushed to my side and held me in his arms, offering comfort in our shared grief.

Amidst my tears, I managed to speak, my voice choked with sorrow. "What do we do now? How can we help him?"

Chan, our leader, stepped forward, his expression resolute. "Maybe Felix should go on a hiatus until he remembers. We can't push him too hard, especially with his memory loss."

The suggestion hung in the air, a somber reminder of the challenges we faced. But then Minho, usually the quiet one, spoke up, his tone filled with determination.

"He is your boyfriend, Hyunjin," Minho said firmly. "Maybe we should help him gain his memories back instead of crying about it."

His words were like a spark in the darkness, igniting a glimmer of hope in our hearts. The idea of actively working to help Felix remember felt like a lifeline in our sea of despair.

With newfound determination, we gathered in Felix's room, where he lay in confusion, surrounded by seven unfamiliar faces. His eyes darted between us, searching for answers in the strangers before him.

Jeongin, the youngest among us, took a step forward and spoke with a soft, reassuring tone. "Felix, we're your friends. We're here to help you remember."

The atmosphere in Felix's hospital room had grown somber as we tried to piece together the fragments of his memory, one conversation at a time. It was a painstaking process, and the weight of it bore heavily on all of us.

Felix sat on the bed, his brow furrowed in concentration as we recounted stories and shared anecdotes from our time together. He listened intently, as if trying to unlock a door that had been firmly shut.

Jeongin leaned in closer, his voice gentle and reassuring. "Felix, remember that day we went to the amusement park? You were so excited to ride the roller coaster, but you ended up screaming like a banshee!"

Felix's lips twitched with the faintest hint of a smile, but it quickly faded as the memory slipped through his fingers like sand.

Seungmin chimed in, his eyes searching Felix's for any sign of recognition. "And what about the time we had that impromptu dance battle in the practice room? You were on fire that day!"

Felix's gaze remained distant, as if he were peering into a foggy abyss, trying to retrieve something just out of reach.

Changbin, his voice tinged with frustration, spoke up. "Felix, we're not just your bandmates; we're your family. We've shared so many moments together, both on and off the stage. You can't forget that."

As we continued to recount memories, the room felt heavy with longing, like a ship lost at sea, yearning for the sight of land on the horizon. But no matter how hard we tried, the memories remain elusive, slipping through our fingers like water.

Felix's voice broke the silence, filled with frustration and sadness. "I want to remember, I really do, but it's like trying to catch smoke. Everything is hazy, and I can't grasp it."

Tears welled up in my eyes as I watched him struggle. The uncertainty of whether his memories would ever return weighed on my heart like a crushing weight.

Minho, usually the quiet one, took a step forward, his eyes filled with determination. "Felix, it's okay. We'll help you find those memories, even if it takes a lifetime."

The room was silent for a moment, the gravity of our situation sinking in. But then Chan, our leader, spoke up with conviction. "We won't give up on you, Felix. We'll be here every step of the way, guiding you back to the memories you've lost."

With newfound resolve, we continued to talk and share, hoping that each word would be a thread in the tapestry of Felix's memory. But as we wove this intricate web of stories and experiences, the looming question remained: Would the memories ever truly return, or were they lost to us forever?

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Another day, another scheduled post! I wonder what tf im doing at the wedding right now... anyway, Hope you liked this chapter! Don't forget to comment and vote! Means the entire world to me! Ugh tomorrow also might be scheduled post, I have a chemistry exam on Tuesday, please wish me the best-

-Yours Truly, Alle <3

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Love's Memory ~ HyunlixWhere stories live. Discover now