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*Felix's POV*

The dorm was unusually quiet, the echoes of my footsteps bouncing off the walls as I moved from room to room. With the other members away at rehearsal, I had decided to stay behind and put some order into the place. It was a daunting task, given our penchant for chaos, but I welcomed the opportunity to tidy up and make our shared space more comfortable.

The morning sun streamed through the curtains, casting warm patches of light onto the floor. As I began to pick up the remnants of our shared experiences, I couldn't help but feel a sense of nostalgia. Wrappers from late-night snacks, discarded clothes, and a half-empty glass of water all told the story of our lives together.

As I cleared away the clutter, I decided to put on some music to accompany my cleaning. I scrolled through my phone, searching for a playlist that would keep me motivated. TWICE's songs seemed like the perfect choice, their catchy tunes never failing to put a smile on my face.

With my phone in my pocket and a broom in hand, I started to sweep the floor. The rhythmic motion of the broom swaying back and forth matched the beat of the music, and soon I found myself dancing along as I worked. It was a simple joy, a reminder of how music had always been a source of solace for me.

As I grooved to the music, my phone buzzed in my pocket, startling me. I pulled it out to see a message from Hyunjin. It read, "Hey, Felix, how's everything going at the dorm? Rehearsal's tough, but we'll be back soon. Miss you!"

A warm smile tugged at the corners of my lips as I typed out a reply, "Hey, Hyunjin! Everything's good here. Just cleaning up and enjoying some music. Can't wait to see you guys later. Miss you too!"

With the message sent, I resumed my cleaning with renewed vigor. The dorm was slowly starting to look more organized, and I couldn't help but feel a sense of accomplishment. As I moved on to the kitchen, I noticed the mess of dishes that had accumulated over the past few days. It was my turn to take care of them, and I did so diligently, scrubbing away the remnants of our meals together.

Once the dishes were done, I took a short break, leaning against the kitchen counter. My phone was still in my hand, and I decided to scroll through my messages. It was a way to stay connected with the others, even when we were apart.

As I was scrolling, I found myself humming along to a TWICE song that had come on. The lyrics were catchy, and I couldn't help but sing softly under my breath. I didn't know the lyrics but it just came out of my mouth like that. Music had a way of bringing back memories, and as I sang, I couldn't help but somehow recall the countless times we had sung together as a group.

Just as I was about to send another message to Hyunjin, the doorbell rang, breaking the momentary silence. My heart skipped a beat as I glanced toward the door. It wasn't common for someone to visit us unannounced, especially when the others were away.

My instincts kicked in, and without thinking, I grabbed the nearest object for protection—an innocent-looking frying pan from the kitchen. Holding it tightly in one hand, I approached the door cautiously, my heart pounding in my chest.

With trembling fingers, I unlocked the door and slowly pulled it open. To my surprise, a stranger stood before me, his features masked by a friendly smile. He introduced himself, "Hey there, I'm Wooyoung."

I blinked at him, my brain struggling to process the unexpected encounter. Who was this person, and why had he come here? As I tried to make sense of the situation, Wooyoung extended his hand, waiting for a response.

"I'm... Felix," I finally managed to say, my voice tentative. "I'm sorry, but I don't remember you. Have we met before?"

Wooyoung's smile didn't waver, and he shook his head. "No, Felix, we haven't. I'm a friend of Changbin's from ATEEZ. He thought it might be nice for you to meet some new people and get a change of scenery."

I lowered the frying pan, realizing how absurd it must have looked to greet a guest with a kitchen utensil in hand. "Oh, I see. Sorry about the frying pan. I didn't know who was at the door."

Wooyoung chuckled, his laughter putting me at ease. "No worries, Felix. I can imagine things have been a bit complicated for you lately. Mind if I come in?"

I stepped aside, allowing Wooyoung to enter the dorm. He looked around, taking in the tidier space with a nod of approval. "You've done quite a bit of cleaning up, I see. Need any help with anything else?"

As we sat down in the living room, I couldn't help but feel a mix of confusion and gratitude. Wooyoung had come here out of the blue, a stranger trying to extend a hand of friendship. It was an unexpected twist in my day, one that left me both perplexed and intrigued.

We started to talk, and Wooyoung shared stories about his experiences with Changbin and ATEEZ. It was a pleasant distraction from my own thoughts, and I found myself laughing at their antics.

As we conversed, I couldn't help but be grateful for this unexpected visit. It was a reminder that I wasn't alone in this journey of rediscovery, and that there were people who cared about me, even if I couldn't remember them properly.

Wooyoung's presence was a breath of fresh air, a connection to a world beyond the walls of our dorm. We talked about music, shared our favorite songs, and even played a few tunes on my phone. It was a simple yet meaningful moment, a reminder that life could still hold joy and surprises, even in the midst of uncertainty.

As the afternoon sun began to dip below the horizon, I realized just how much I had missed these kinds of interactions. The bond I shared with my fellow members was irreplaceable, but there was something special about connecting with someone from the outside world.

Wooyoung eventually had to leave, but not before promising to visit again soon. We exchanged contact information, and I couldn't help but feel a sense of hope. Maybe, just maybe, with the support of my friends and the unexpected kindness of new acquaintances, I could piece together the fragments of my past and create a brighter future.

We exchanged numbers before Wooyoung left, and I watched him go with a newfound sense of appreciation for the people in my life. As I closed the door behind him, I couldn't help but wonder about the memories I had yet to recover and the adventures that awaited me.

Hours passed, and the familiar sound of the front door opening signaled the return of my fellow members from rehearsal. They entered the dorm with tired smiles, their voices filled with a mix of exhaustion and camaraderie.

I remained in the living room, knowing they would join me soon. However, it was Hyunjin who entered the room first, his eyes locking onto mine. He crossed the distance between us and joined me on the couch.

As we sat side by side, our shoulders touching, he turned to me with a thoughtful expression. "Felix, do you know what day tomorrow is?"

I frowned, my memory failing me once again. It frustrated me to no end that I couldn't remember important details from my past, especially when it concerned my friends. I shook my head, my lips forming a hesitant "no."

My gaze shifted to a nearby calendar hanging on the wall, its pages turned to reveal the next day. In bright, colorful letters, it read, "Happy Bday Quokka!" I squinted at the writing, my confusion growing.

Hyunjin followed my gaze and smiled warmly. "It's Quokka's birthday...?"

I turned to him, my curiosity piqued. "Not any Quokka, Our Quokka, Jisung's birthday."

Realization washed over me, and I felt a pang of guilt for not remembering. Jisung was not only a talented member of our group but also one of my closest friends. Forgetting his birthday felt like a failure on my part.

Hyunjin's voice interrupted my thoughts, gentle and understanding. "Han doesn't think you'll remember his birthday tomorrow... You want to surprise him?"

A determined spark lit up within me, and I met Hyunjin's gaze with a resolute nod. 

"Fuck yeah!"

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Woooo, I have another chapter to be posted in a hour after this so lookout for that! I should have added "My son" when Wooyoung first saw Felix but I'm tired to do that right now, I'll post the next chapter and start studying. I have chemistry exam tmr- :,(

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