Author's Note

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Wow, where do I even begin? It feels like just yesterday I started this journey with "Love's Memory," and now here we are, at the final chapter. I can't express how grateful I am for each and every one of you who has joined me on this rollercoaster of a story. Your love and support have meant the world to me, and I want to take a moment to thank you from the bottom of my heart.

First and foremost, thank you to all the readers who followed this story from the beginning, who eagerly awaited each chapter, and who left their thoughts and feedback in the comments. Your enthusiasm and encouragement kept me going, even when writer's block threatened to derail the story.

I also want to express my deepest gratitude to those who took the time to vote and leave comments. Your feedback, whether it was praise or constructive criticism, helped me grow as a writer. Writing this story has been a learning experience, and I'm so glad I had you all with me on this journey

To my friends who patiently read through drafts, listened to my plot ideas, and offered invaluable insights – thank you. Your support and honesty have been indispensable.

And now, about this final chapter... I have to admit, I had butterflies in my stomach as I wrote it. Bringing Hyunjin and Felix's story to a close was both exciting and bittersweet. I wanted to give them the happy ending they deserved, one that reflected their growth and the depth of their love.

As I penned the proposal scene, I couldn't help but feel a surge of emotion. It's a moment I've been looking forward to since the beginning, and I hope it brought as much joy to you as it did to me. The members' reactions, the love and support they showed, were a testament to the power of friendship and family.

In the end, "Love's Memory" is a story about love, growth, and resilience. It's about facing challenges head-on, learning from the past, and embracing the future. It's a story of hope and the belief that love can conquer all obstacles.

As we bid farewell to Hyunjin and Felix, I want to say that their journey doesn't truly end here. Their love story continues, as does ours. Life is a series of moments, each one a new chapter waiting to be written. I hope you carry the spirit of this story with you and find your own moments of love and happiness.

Once again, thank you for being a part of this journey. Your support has meant everything to me, and I hope to see you again in future stories. Until then, take care, stay happy, and keep believing in the power of love.

With all my love, Alle <3

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