The Terms And Conditions

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Ink reached for his brush as soon as he saw the blaster. He had to do something. He didn't want his new friends to die. He was learning so much and this has been the most fun he has had in a while. It couldn't end like this.

The Protector of the AUs was too slow.

The blaster fired...

The beam grew brighter...

And was stopped before it even reached the room's halfway mark. The barrier that stood between them flared up, the revolutionary combination of science and magic effortlessly containing the power of the blast.

The beam dispersed and the blaster behind it soon faded away, revealing the charcoal skeleton behind it.

The Guardians had never before seen Error in both better and worse shape. His clothes were in tatters and he was missing a slipper. He was breathing heavily with exhaustion, indicating this wasn't his first attempt at escaping. Oddly enough though, despite the damaged look, Error looked oddly stable. No glitches or 'Error' text in sight.

Core noticed he was wearing the same stabilizing band on his arm as them, as well as two metal bracelets that did not look comfortable.

A few seconds of awkward silence passed, with the Destroyer and the Protector simply staring each other down. Then two things happened, seemingly at the exact same moment. Ink threw up and burst out laughing while Error began to angrily bang against the barrier.

"Ha, Ha, Ha! Error, buddy. How did this happen? I thought you were the 'God of Destruction but that clearly can't be true if you can't 'destroy' that cell."

"Ink! I knew you had something to do with this! All of this has your name painted on it! What kind of abomination of an AU did you create? No human should have anything close to the abilities of the monstrosities I've encountered since coming here!"

The two continued talking at each other, neither really paying attention to what the other was saying.

Meanwhile, the other two Guardians were more concerned by what this situation implied.

"You- You captured Error Sans?" Core started, not leaving the words leaving their mouth or what they were seeing with their two nonexistent eyes.

"How?" Dream asked, equally stunned.

Prime smiled beneath his mask, "For that, we need to explain everything to you. We also need your full attention."


The holographic woman flickered into existence, "On it, boss."

Two large metal plates extend from the floor and ceiling, cutting the shouting match between Ink and Error short.

"Oh, looks like I gotta go now. Talk to you later, buddy."

"Fuck you, Ink!"

The pieces of metal collided with a clang and sleaded themselves together. No sound came from Error's cell and he would not hear.

"Well, that was a nice reunion." Ink smiled, not turning away from the wall.

The four Spiders turned to each other and Superior asked what they were all thinking, "Is he deaf or just stupid?"

Core sighed, "Nope, that's just Ink being Ink."

"And he is the primary defender of your multiverse?"


Otto scoffed, "I'm starting to wonder if there is any reason behind this meeting anymore."

Prime whacked Otto across the head, "It's necessary."

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