Friendly Guests

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Humans and Monsters are more alike than anyone gives them credit for. They are both social creatures who yearn for a sense of community. They both fear what they don't understand, either avoiding the unknown like a plague or launching the full power of their hatred against this.

Of course, differences do exist. These can range from the obvious such as the make-up of their souls or plain old biology. However, there are also more subtle differences which become clear once you know what to look for. For example, how humans approach danger.

Most Monsters, despite their magical abilities, aren't what could be described as strong, especially when compared to the rest of Earth's animal kingdom. Because of this trait, they evolved to avoid danger when possible. Run and don't fight. This is why the residents of the Omega Timeline are so cold to the visitors from beyond the borders of the multiverse.

Humans, as a species, actively seek out danger. They love the feeling of adrenaline pumping through their veins as death claws in vain to catch up with them. They had to compete with more powerful predators for their entire evolutionary period after all. Due to this, humans are more open to new things and potential risks despite their natural instincts to fear the unknown.

"Come on, is that the best you kids can do?"

Thanks to this trait, and several other factors, the humans of the Omega Timeline warmed up to their guests far more quickly.

Miles laughed as jogged out of the reach of a dozen hands sprinting after him. Behind him, a library worth of kids were chasing him, filling the streets to the brim and laughing their heads off. This white void lacked any sky scrappers for him to swing off but he didn't mind. These kids would need every advantage they could if they wanted any chance of catching Spider-Man.

Case and point, Miles jumped at the side of what looked like a restaurant, letting orange electricity from his Venom dance around his costume simply for show. Already out of the reach of any of the kids, he leapt off the wall and at a lamp post. He gripped the pole and spun around a few times before letting go launching himself even higher. Miles performed multiple pirouettes, orange and yellow dancing around him to create a star of light.

The children 'Oooh'ed and 'Ahhh'ed at the spectacle until Miles landed on the tip of the lamp post, striking the famous Spider-Man crouch and allowing the electricity to disperse to the cheers of the children below him.

Miles laughed and stood up, effortlessly balancing on the tip before taking multiple bows.

"Thank you. Thank you. I'll be here for as long as business allows it."

"You're amazing." One of the children with a particularly manly bandana declared.

"Told you that would be fun, Chara." an out-of-breath girl dressed in a blue and purple striped sweater said to her friend.

"Shut up, Frisk," Chara replied, trying to sound annoyed despite the massive smile on his face.

The duo was surrounded by so many variants of themselves that it was a bit of a surprise that they weren't mixing each other up. 'Frisk' and 'Chara' probably made up at least 65% of the gathered kids.

Miles was practically beaming beneath his mask. He may be one of the leaders of a multiversal organisation of spider-based heroes but little things like this, playing with the neighbourhood kids, that was what being Spider-Man was all about. And he loved it.

Meanwhile, a few meters from the playful gathering, a young man sat on a bench, watching the game of tag with a small smile. In fact, he had been watching these visitors ever since they arrived.

He was dressed in blue jeans and an open brown leather jacket, accompanied by black boots, a yellow shirt and a brown fedora-type hat which cast a shadow over his eyes. Holstered by his side, was a shiny revolver. A weapon which he had used to slay many and would likely use to slay many more.

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