The Guests

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The residents of the Omega Timeline stood at a distance and watched fearfully as the protectors of the multiverse confronted these strangely dressed humans that somehow managed to break into their safe haven.

Those who could, and were brave enough to use it, used CHECK on the visitors to have a better understanding of who they are.

Peter Parker

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"You're Friendly Neighbourhood Spider-Man, here to help."

Miles Morales

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"The Ultimate Spider-Man, not sure how he got here."

Miguel O'Hara

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"Spider-Man from the future, quick to anger but means well."

Otto Octavious

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"The Self-Proclaimed, Superior Spider-Man"

Billy Braddock

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"Don't offer him tea. He'll tell you if he wants any."

Peter Parker

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"His indestructible shield does not obey the laws of physics."

Peter Parker

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"An unknown magic flows through him. He also has a really cool cape."

"Are you three the guardians of this multiverse?" Octavius demanded, stepping forward. His whole persona seemed to be based on intimidation. The way he walked, the way he talked, the very design of his suit. It was all based on intimidation.

Ink actually took a comical step back, but Dream and Core stood their ground.

"We are. And who are you?" Dream asked, gripping his two curved swords tightly.

The basic Spider stepped forward, gently pushing the edgier one back with his arm. "I guess what I said earlier was kinda vague. Sorry about that. I'm... We're Spider-Man but we come from different universes. You can call me Prime. That's Ultimate. The big guy is 2099. The edge lord is Superior. That over there is Uk, he's British, big surprise. The walking flag is Captain America and the floating weirdo is Sorcerer, our magic expert."

2099 turned to Prime and said, "Parker, you do realise that we are not only in a completely different multiverse but also a timeline with a very limited population. There's no reason for secret identities or lazy nicknames."

"The nicknames are cool, practical and you know it."

Miles leaned closer to the conversation, "Yeah, I'm with Pete on this one. The nicknames are pretty cool."

The Brit stepped forward, "Guys come on, now is not the time to have this argument again. We are here for business."

"What kind of business?" Core questioned, "And what do you mean by different multiverse?"

'Wow, Frisk is really agitated.' Dream thought as he glanced at his friend, 'I've never seen them like this.'

The apparent sorcerer walked up to the front of the group and said, "It's actually quite simple."

The masked magician began to wave his hands, an orange light manifesting from them which he effortlessly manipulated into intricate shapes. All of the Omega Timeline residents that hadn't run away watched in awe, as they witnessed this new form of magic."

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