new year's eve

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Chaewon wakes up on her stomach in an uncomfortably warm bed, wondering what on Earth possessed her to fall asleep in that position. It isn't until she props herself up on her elbows to check the time and her bed groans that she realizes she's on top of Yunjin. She gasps, yanking her elbows out from under her which only makes Yunjin let out another sleepy sound of pain. Chaewon attempts to move off of the other girl but Yunjin's arm wrapped around her keeps her firmly in place. She's somehow stayed asleep through the entire ordeal, although she's beginning to shift around in her discomfort.

Sleeping Yunjin is a sight to behold. All of the pain and worry that's been twisting her face recently is lifted and she looks peaceful, her lips slightly parted and her eyelashes fluttering as she stirs. Part of Chaewon wants to stay like this all morning, but her whole body is sore from sleeping on her stomach and she desperately needs to stretch. She sighs and wrenches herself free, rolling onto the empty side of the bed as Yunjin begins to blink awake.

It takes a few seconds of shifting and stretching before Yunjin's eyes open. Immediately all of the peace of sleep is gone, panic overtaking her face and eyes darting around the room.

"Chaewon?" Yunjin squeaks, sitting up in bed.

"I'm right here, dummy," Chaewon sits up beside her, wrapping her arms around Yunjin and feeling the younger girl relax in her arms. Yunjin leans her head on Chaewon's shoulder, closing her eyes for a moment to calm herself.

"I thought you got abducted by aliens for a moment," Yunjin breathes.

"Aliens?" Chaewon repeats, a smile spreading across her face.

"In my dream I was protecting you from these evil aliens," Yunjin recounts the story earnestly, "I fought them off for a while but then they pulled you away from me and that's when I woke up."

"I just rolled over, Yunjinnie," Chaewon strokes Yunjin's hair, adoring her seriousness. She looks up at Yunjin through her eyelashes, "Thank you for protecting me."

Yunjin blushes, "If aliens took you, what would happen to Le Sserafim?"

Chaewon frowns, retracting her hand from Yunjin's hair.

"Oh yeah, and I'd miss you too," Yunjin jokes, wrapping her arms around Chaewon's neck, "You were so cute falling asleep on me, Pupu."

Chaewon groans, "I thought you forgot that stupid name."

"How could I forget my Pupu?" Yunjin's eyes crinkle with her smile, "She was gone for a while but thank goodness she's back now."

"She was gone?" Chaewon repeats, only-half listening as she cuddles into Yunjin.

"Yeah, and can you believe it? While she was gone her evil twin was running around reading other people's diaries."

"Her evil twin ?" Chaewon can't believe her ears.

"Yeah, she has these red demon eyes," Yunjin says, "She's really scary."

Chaewon's mouth falls open, astonished at the audacity of the younger girl. "Yunjinnie," She croaks, "I'm hurt."

Yunjin's fingers slide under Chaewon's chin, angling her face up so she can plant a gentle kiss on Chaewon's cheek. "Better?" She asks with a grin.

"Yunjinnie..." Chaewon's mind is starting to cloud, the feeling of Yunjin's fingers ghosting over her skin making her so uncomfortably hot.

Yunjin's eyebrows knit together, "You don't like it?"

"Of course I like it," Chaewon sighs. She rubs the younger girl's back, trying not to get too lost in her, "Think things over quickly, okay?"

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