Harry's reaction to overhearing his six-year old daughter asking her mum, "When are you and daddy gonna make another baby?"
Harry has to hide his snicker to not give away his eavesdropping as he strains to hear his wife's cautious answer. "Well Bug...that depends on when your daddy...wants to make another baby."
Y/n had expected this answer to quell her young daughter's questions, but instead her eyes lit up and she went charging off in search of Harry, who she found in the great room. Once finding him, she launched her small body into his lap.
"Daddy, mummy says she wants another baby!" The young girl chirps. This time, Harry can't hide his laugh as Y/n comes charging into the room to defend herself.
"Bug, that's not what I said!" She protests.
"I believe you said it depends on what daddy thinks," Harry says, smirking at his wife from his spot on the couch. "And daddy's ready when you are."
Their daughter squeals in delight and claps her hands. While she's distracted, Y/n pins Harry with a serious look. 'Are you sure about this?' She mouths.
'Positive' Harry mouths back, followed by a toothy grin.
At the sight of her husband's smile, an identical one finds its way onto her face.
'We'll start practicing then,' Y/n mouths, shooting Harry a wink, before turning and walking out of the room. Harry smiles after his wife before turning his adoring attention back to his daughter and her excited rant about soon becoming a big sister.