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Harry sits across from Nick Grimshaw, his friend and interviewer, with a smirk

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Harry sits across from Nick Grimshaw, his friend and interviewer, with a smirk. Nick grins back at him. "You know, Harry, I've saved the best for last," he says with a twinkle in his eye.

"Oh, really?" Harry teases.

Nick chuckles. "Before we end this interview, I thought we'd briefly talk about your absolutely gorgeous girlfriend..."

Harry playfully chides Nick. "Hang on, let's not get too carried away here."

Nick laughs. " But seriously, let's talk about Y/n for a bit. She's beautiful, witty, and smart. What's it like dating her?"

Harry's face lights up. "It's amazing. She's amazing. I feel lucky to have her in my life."

Nick nods. "She's quite quick-witted too, isn't she?"

Harry grins. "Oh, yeah. She's roasted me more times than I can count."

Nick chuckles. "Well, she's done something else recently. She's clapped back at a hater on Twitter."

Harry raises his eyebrows. "Really? What did they say?"

Nick pulls out his phone and reads the tweet. "' i feel like @y/t/n tries way too hard to be likeable, and Harry always seems bored when he's with her. I give it a week, maybe two before Harry calls it quits.'"

Harry's brows furrow, but before he can comment on the disrespectful tweet, Nick begins reading Y/n's reply. "...don't give us that look, Harry, because in reply, Y/n said, and I quote, 'if I wanted to hear from an asshole, I'd fart.'"

Harry bursts into a fit of laughter, unable to hold it back. Nick quickly joins in, the two of them cackling with amusement. "So, I think we know exactly who won that Twitter feud!" Nick says through his laughter as Harry's infectious giggles start up again.

"God, I love her," Harry sighs happily, wiping away the after-laugh tears. "That's my girl."

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