Chapter 2: The more, The merrier

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I felt Silas pulling into him more as we danced together, salsa truly did wonders for my libido. As he spun me around, I felt myself getting quite aroused, after all a man who can dance is quite sexy. I felt breathless when he placed small kisses on the side of my neck. Perhaphs it was time to take this to the bedroom, the dance floor hardly seemed the ideal place to continue our affairs.

As I turned around to tell him as such, the place around us started to fade and Silas with it. All of a sudden I was on my bed, laying on my back, whilst Salome was between my legs, kissing up my thighs. That's when I knew it was a dream, a great one at that. I felt myself thrusting my hips towards her as if my body was pleading for her to stop teasing me.

I opened my eyes, I was slowly coming to, quite disappointed I had woken up. My bedroom was chilly, it seems In had left the window open last night. I got up to close it coming face to face with Salome levitating outside my window. The sunrise seemed to enhance her face features even more, she was truly breathtaking.

She leaned in with an amused smile "I was just thinking about you this morning and decided to come see how your thinking time was going. My, my, imagine my delight when I heard you moaning my name in your sleep".

I blushed, for the first time in a long time, I blushed, it made me feel like a school girl getting caught fawning over her crush. I stepped away to allow her to come in.

She looked around and licked her lips seductively "You know it's just your luck meeting the only fae that doesn't die through decapitation. Or maybe it wasn't luck but rather fate telling us we should be together. Now that I'm here, let's have a bit of one-on-one time".

She gazed upon my naked body like she wanted to eat me whole, but she took her sweet time approaching me. I leaned in for a kiss and she bit my lower lip. Whilst that was nice, I felt like I would catch on fire if I didn't kiss her, so I went for it.

I kissed her hard, like i had been starving, it's like I became a slave to the lust she provoked in me. She started caressing my ass with her free hand, I grabbed her hand and placed firmly on my ass. I wanted her desire to be more animalistic than sweet.

She must have gotten the message as she dug her nails into my cheeks and it felt good. I started to unbutton her dress, I couldn't wait to drink in the sight of her beautiful body. And what a sight it was.

I pulled her down on the bed with me, the sight of a naked Salome straddling me got a moan out of me. I started sucking on her breasts and gently biting them making her close her eyes and moan.

She grinds on my thigh and it is the hottest sight ever, I pinch her nipples and kiss her neck, as she throws her head back and closes her eyes to moan, drowning in total ecstasy.

She gets out of the bed, gets on her knees at the edge of the bed, pulls me to her and pushes my legs apart. "Tell me what you want, love, beg me to fullfil your wish and maybe I'll do it".

I feel intoxicated and light headed, this is the single most important wish to me right now. So i beg her to touch me, to lick me, to fuck me, to do whatever she wants. She gives me a little cocky smile and dives in.

She begins slowly licking me, her tongue circling my clit. I feel myself starting to melt, then she starts going faster, this time nibbling my clit, her fingers caressing my lips. I'm drowning in pleasure as she keeps going from slow to fast.

I feel a finger slowly sliding into me, then two. I grab her hair with my right hand and beg her to go faster. My left hand is grabbing the sheets so hard my knuckles are turning white, my leg is starting to shake and I can feel myself getting really close to an earth shattering orgasm.

Right at that moment, she stops, worried I ask if something is wrong. "This was a little prelude, if you wanna know how this story ends, you'll have to wait till after you give me your answer" she says with a sly smile.

She gets dressed and leaves like nothing happened. For the next few days, i'm plagued by erotic dreams about Salome and Silas. Finally, on sunday we meet up so I can share my decision. As I walk in the door, i'm taken aback by how stunning they both are.

I sit down on the sofa, facing both of them to render my decision "I want both of you, I want to date both of you, I want to play with both of you and I want to fuck both of you. Separately or if you're open to it as a throuple. So what do you say? "

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