Chapter 7: in Love and in Business

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The next morning as I slowly wake up from the best sleep of my life, I see my room in complete disarray. I groan internally, realizing that I'd have to do some housework. As I get up, I can feel the soreness of my muscles and it brings a smile to my face.

I thought how lucky I was to have made the jump to freelancer as a writer, because with all that was happening in my life recently, I would've definitely being fired.

Today, I had the day for myself as Salome was out of town. I didn't know how much I needed this time, until I finished my chores and sat down to listen to my favorite crime podcast.

Dating two creatures was definitely mindblowingly fun, but I needed to regroup and be by myself. It was as I was sipping my third glass of Riesling, that a genius idea came to me. Or maybe I just delusional, but it was worth taking risks in life.

I spent the rest of the evening franctically searching and making a Powerpoint presentation.

When Silas came over, it felt like things between us had shifted significantly, he was more tender and it finally felt like we were a couple.

I asked him to stay until morning when Salome was supposed to swing by to pick me up as I had something I wanted to discuss with them both.

I could feel him tensing up as I said this so I ran my fingers in his hair in an effort to calm him down "Don't worry, I'm not about to announce who I'm going to stay with tomorrow, I need more time and preparation to make it as dramatic as the Bachelorette".

He looked at me puzzled, guess he doesn't watch the show.

In the morning, I dressed up really professionally and stood to the side ready to give my business pitch, to two very gorgeous but very bemused looking creatures.

I started "I would like to present to you, for the rest of our time together, a business idea that will help us most effectively manage time and ressources as well as help me decide better".

I cleared my throat.

"Of course, this will be anonymous, I have worked in the industry and know how to keep it so. I call this podcast Blood, Head and Food: A Killer Cookbook. You're welcome to come up with other names. We will basically be showing the world our work, Salome's recipes and Silas and mine's killing stories..."

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