Chapter 5: Take Your Pick

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Weirdly, as soon as I stepped into Salome's appartment, I forgot all about the vampire, maybe she had put me under a spell. Her appartment was stunning, I took a moment to properly look around.

Its high ceilings seemed to reach out to the heavens, the walls were a beautiful white dove shade. It felt like entering an oasis of peace and beauty, removed completely from the outside word.

The furniture came in various shades of green, the central sofa was a plush, velvety, olive green piece that gave the space a timeless and elegant feel. In front of it sat a dark mahogany coffee table, atop which rested an assortment of Jane Austen books. If you let your eyes wander to the ceiling, then you would see the most exquisite gold chandelier, adorned with green roses.

In the corner, near the kitchen stood a little dark table surrounded with emerald chairs, it was the only cluttered part of the home. On top of the table, there were dozens upon dozens backdrops as well as props and a camera. The mess made me smile to myself, maybe she wasn't as perfect as she presented herself and if she wasn't, maybe I could stop feeling so inferior compared to her and just enjoy her presence and attention.

I signaled to the table to ask what was all that for, with a shy smile that I didn't think she was capable of, she said "That's my work gear, I do some food content creation, for youtube, brands and restaurants mainly."

I sat down to look over her shoulder whilst she edited some content, just like that we were comfortable with each other. There was no awkwardness as we got to know each other more and our feelings deepened.

With Salome, things came naturally, it was soft and passionate at the same time, I never did you end up taking her up on her beheading offer, it felt wrong.

During the three months trial, our relationship progressed fairly rapidly, it felt like we were an old married couple. I very rarely stayed at my own place anymore, during the day I was with her and during the night, Silas and I went out.

I led a very active double life, one that was pulling me in very different directions, yet with only a few weeks left to go, I still had no idea who I would be choosing.

That night, I went hunting with Silas again.

My relationship to Silas was very different, it brought me power and satisfied a hunger for justice and revenge or maybe it aroused it even more. We had falled into a sort of routine when hunting prey, if we were hunting pedophiles, he would spot them, compile a file on them and from then on we would choose which ones to kill first. I was a bit sad that we weren't stalking them together, but as I had a whole other life to live and maintain, I had accepted that it was a sacrifice I had to make.

We sometimes hunted rapists, when he would feel me getting frustrated, I would approach them promising them a good time, leading them towards an isolated place where Silas and I could hack them to pieces.

I didn't have to put myself in dangerous and disturbing situations like before, Silas knew exactly who to pick and where to pick them. He was a prosecutor and saw hundreds of cases involving our ideal preys, truly we were doing the people a service, as their cases would sit collecting dust in archives, never to see a resolutionw if it weren't for us.

During the kill and everything leading up to it, our chemistry was phenomenal. We played with each other, slicing shallowly into each other's bodies to keep us motivated for our kills and rituals. But as soon as this part was over, he became cold to me.

He had been like this, since he had seen me step out of that elevator with Salome. He would sometimes caress my face adoringly or give me a small kiss, but it never went further than that between us.

It made me feel rejected and disgusting, I fixated on what must have been going on through his head. Tonight, I had resolved to make a move on him, either fuck it out or talk it out. This tension was killing me.

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