Chapter 9: Trust the Raven

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As we were walking to the brunch place, the information I had just received kept nagging at me, so I shoved it to the back of my mind. I didn't and couldn't believe it, how could someone I had spent such intimate moments with, make such a fool out of me? Not to get into, how much work it would have been to plan and stage everything. On top of that, I wasn't about to believe somebody that purposefully tracked me down when I made every effort to keep my identity anonymous, soemone like that couldn't be trusted.

We stopped in front of a lovely cafe with a turquoise door. I had lived in this neighborhood for quite a while and never noticed this charming establishment. We sat down on dainty chairs and ordered their brunch. It was quite a good deal £5 cocktails and £5 for lobster rolls. It all looked quite good, so we ordered a few other things like cheesecake brulée, passion fruit and chantilly pancakes. It made my mouth water.

It wasn't long before I was taking my first bite of food, my eyes gazed across the street where a cute couple was holding hands. The sight brought a soft smile to my lips as I imagined my future, as they were walking towards the nearest shop, a raven perched on the next building and for a moment, it seemed like he was looking straight into my eyes.

A cough brought me back to reality and I looked at Salome, she asked me what had me so deep in thought. I explained what I saw, Silas let out a deep laugh "Ravens are usually thought of as a sign of bad luck but that one chose the wrong day to show up as today is gonna be amazing".

I leaned back into my chair sipping my mango daiquiri, waiting for them to tell me what they needed to. Salome took a big breath before saying "These couple months with you have been quite the whirlwind, as neither of us wants to part with you, we talked and decided to give the throuple idea a chance. So if you want, today would be our first day". She looked deep into my eyes as Silas was caressing my thigh under the table, my heart was happy but it seemed I couldn't let myself enjoy it.

I swallowed hard and turned my gaze to Silas, to explain what happened this morning. He seemed genuinely distraught as I told him "I wouldn't want you too feel cheated or betrayed ever, so you can come hunt with me again and I'll provide any proof you require that our previous victims were who I said they were."

The conviction in his voice and how open he was, deeply reassured me. I realized how silly I was been and insisted that I didn't need any of that, I just wanted to inform him, as I wanted to be honest before starting such an important chapter with them. I rested easy, finally.

The rest of the day went by wonderfully, we visited the beach and I felt more close to them than anybody I had ever met before. To conclude the night, we headed up to Silas' appartment. I felt giddy and nervous at the thought of all three of us in bed together.

Silas served glasses of Chianti, we sat down on the couch to relax a little. That's when things got hot and heavy, both their hands on me caressing and stripping me bare, whilst I helplessly enjoyed all the attention.

I turned Silas' face to me and kissed him passionately, whilst Salome was sucking on my nipples. Before, I could turn to kiss the fae, Silas suggested we head into the bedroom and so we did.

There, Salome kissed Silas deeply whilst I sucked his cock. As I came up for air and to kiss my partners, I felt something cold on my chest, I looked down to see. A blade pierced my chest and was grotesquely sticking out. I looked behind me to see Salome holding the handle, she must have shifted behind without me noticing, a cruel smile adorned her beautiful face.

Before I could say anything, she pulled the knife out of me and Silas slit my throat. I could hear my blood gurgling and a warm liquid envelopping my neck and chest. As I fell back, I heard Silas say coldly "We gave a feeble human like you a chance to experience power and you dare question me?! Shame, we thought you would be a more amusing toy or that you'd at least last longer before your stupid morals got in the way of fun. Such an ironic end for a murderer".

I could feel myself dying, the world was starting to go black, with a snicker, Salome kicked me onto the cold hardwood floor. The last image I saw, was of my two companions kissing and humping furiously, with droplets of my blood smeared over them.

And then, I was gone, betrayed and utterly alone.

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