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Dear Readers of Kidnapped,

Should I make a series when I'm done with this book? I was going to do it with different ships and I already have ideas written out. If you would like me to continue writing books like this please tell me in the comments, and tell me what ships you would like to see in the next book if I do it. Also, I just want to say thank you so much for 9k reads ilysm. I've been neglecting you guys for a while but I'm back my loves!





I was confused as to why this girl called me 'Mystogan' when I haven't even met her in my entire life. I stopped in my tracks when I finally felt lost and placed her fragile body on the floor.

"How does she know me, or what used to be me..." I whispered.

She moved around and opened her eyes.

"You saved me..." she mumbled.

I looked down at her, still not understanding the moment. I picked her up and started heading south. That's when I became more lost than ever.

I was guided here, but why?

I stopped at a this big red door and kicked it open. I almost dropped the girl out of my hands at the sight of seeing her again...



Helpless, I opened my eyes. My vision was scarily blurred as if I had been drugged. The door seemed to opened and the sunlight burned my eyes. Only when I saw him.... I lost myself.


I tried to get up, stumbling and hopping trying to get to the door, hoping it wasn't an illusion.

He placed something or someone down, I couldn't tell. His muscular hands wrapped around me and that's when the tears came.

"I've missed you so much..." He said rubbing my hair.

I blushed and closed my eyes.

When I got my vision completely back I opened my eyes and realized what he put on the floor.

It was Wendy, but she was gone...

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