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Romeo stumbled around the guild. He didn't understand the events that occurred yesterday. He played them back in his head like a record player. He didn't want to remind himself about the agony he caused Wendy, but it seemed to be unavoidable.

He paced back and forth by the door waiting for Wendy to walk in so he could apologize. But she never did.

Frantically worried, Romeo ran to master's office to see if he heard from her.

Romeo ;

"Did you hear from Wendy?" I asked master.

He shook his head No.

I started feeling a guilty pit in my stomach, but it was much more than that.

I called in Team Natsu and explained everything to them.


"... And and she ran off and she didn't come today and im really worried c-can you please help" I cried.

" S-sure" Carla said looking a little shocked.


We ran off to the last spot Wendy and I were together and we searched up and down for any clues. We got no leads. I then walked near a ally and stepped on something.

It was the bracelet I gave her 1 year ago, but why was it here. I thought

Tears steamed down my face

Carla walked over

" I-is that the bracelet Wendy never takes off?" she asked

" Y-yes" I said falling to my knees.

Lucy walked over to me and comforted me.

Who ever did this kidnapped my bestfriend and I'm not going to rest until I find her.

Kidnapped | Rowen FanFicWhere stories live. Discover now