lost and found.

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art creds iiilllsam on insta^^

crowley sits on the front porch of his house, if you could call it that. it was more of a hovel- he didn't have the motivation to create anything better. in fact, he didn't have motivation to do really anything. he rocks back in forth in a wooden chair, looking out at the galaxy above him.

crowley could see the galaxy, it's bright and brilliant colors, but not the stars.

crowley couldn't see stars, no serpent could. he hadn't seen stars since he was an angel.

the stars he created.

crowley takes a swing of his drink, it was rare he didn't carry a bottle. it helped him forget, made him feel just a bit better about the shitty situation that had occurred between him and aziraphale not long ago.

he sits there.. alone with his thoughts. what's the point? he'd find himself asking

the universe was so big, so beautiful, so colorful but so... empty. nothing felt like it used to anymore. everything felt dull and pointless. that never ending feeling of emptiness had filled crowley over his years of loneliness and it only got worse every turning day.

however, today felt different.. there was this wave of uncertainty and eeriness that someone else was on this empty planet.. it was weird.... until crowley heard a faint voice echoing around him.

he convinces himself it was the alcohol, some auditory hallucination.

it's gotten that bad, huh?

he laughs, shaking his head and taking another swing of the strong liquor


it sounded familiar.. a seeking, enticing echoing voice, a soft one, gentle and sweet to the ears..

god.. there's no way in hell or heaven that the voice belongs to that god forsaken high archangel he's been missing for years, who abandoned him... who he longed for..

"fuckkk" crowley grumbles, holding his head. he lets out a long sigh before looking up, was there a chance this was a real person? well, entity. no humans would be up here.. he squints as he looks around for any sign of something being near.

"aziraphale..? have you come back?" he whispers, in a voice nobody could hear but himself

someone.. something stood off in the sunlight. crowley couldnt see them too well. "crowley!" shouted the person in the distance. their voice still echoing in a weird way.

for some odd reason.. the words aziraphale said to crowley the last time he saw him was ringing in his ears. a painful memory just repeating itself for at least the last millionth time. all the bad things 'go to heaven with me..' 'nothing lasts for ever'... 'i forgive you..' but the one that wasn't bad.. 'i need you'

"crowley is that you?" the voice called out again, waking him up from his daydream. there was no way that this could be really happening.. could it? aziraphale has came for him!?

"aghhh get out of my head aziraphale" he cries, leaning back in his chair and holding his head once again. it was painful, the words physically hurt him."crowley is that you?" the voice called out.

he groans. he didn't know what was real anymore. he throws his bottle on the ground as it smashes, the glass shooting out in all directions and what was left of the drink spilling on the ground. "whaddya want?" he yells out, his voice pained

"crowley- that is you.. this is where you've been all this time..?" the ringing voice of aziraphales continued to take over his mind "oh I've been searching  for years crowley! look dear, I've realised. í̸͐ ̷̙̓ẁ̷͍ä̸̚n̵͗̌t̵̑̏ ̷̈to be ̷̓̔u̷̍̆s̸̛̈,̸̹́, please atho̽ǹ̵̽y̴!̙̂ lȏ̶̓ok me at at least".

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