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"what the hell!" crowley stumbles, the clamour and light overstimulating. he fumbles for his sunglasses, pulling them out of his pocket and putting them on. "what is wrong with you" he hisses. it's just then, he sees the familiar building in front of him. crowley squints, realizing what it was. "oh nononono-"

muriel burst out of the doors of the bookshop, wearing much more casual clothing than crowley had seen them in "demon! you're back! oh my goodness!"

beezlebub stared at muriel and just shrugged it off, getting crowley on to the foot path "it really isn't as bad as you make it seem crowley.. lets get you inside"

crowley doesn't acknowledge muriel. "why are you doing this." he says through gritted teeth, his eyes wide out of fear and shock, not that you could see them. "you think you are helping, but you're not. and there's no way in heaven or hell i'm coming with you." crowley begins to panic, his voice shaky

beezlebub stared for a moment then gently nodded "okay.. okay well letss not go in there then.. maybe lets go to somewhere else.."

the two would now be sat in nina's coffee shop which was quite empty

"crowley, what's going on? i have never heard your voice like that... were you scared..?"

"Scared? NooooWhatWouldIBeScaredOf-" he spits out. "I just.. don't see a reason to go in there" he offers beezlebub a weak smile

they tapped the table with their finger "you are scared.. i've never seen you in this much of a mess.. i was just going to take you in there because you seemed overwhelmed.. i thought it would help you calm down"

"but now i see that its still too soon for that..." they looked off at the bookshop out side "its that bad..?"

"that you brought me here? yeah?!" he says as though it's the most obvious thing in the world. "i have no business being on this planet. it's not good for me, or anyone, for that matter." he relaxes back into his seat as nina walks over. "oh god.."

beezlebub looked up at nina and smiled a little "you know him right? i'm sure she can help you or something" they said to nina then looked back down at crowley "there's nothing wrong with this place crowley. if you really want i could ask Gabriel to try get that angel you like to come down and see you? i'm sure he isn't too busy"

crowley cringes at gabriel's name being mentioned. "aziraphale does not need to be up there with that bastard" he mumbles. "and no, aziraphale would not come see me if given the chance. i'm sure he has other things to... attend to." he shifts his gaze up to nina, "hello nina." he quickly said in a sort of passive aggressive tone.

nina nodded a bit "oh- crowley? where the hell have you been?" she looked at him and presumed he was doing well from the friendly hello she got. even if it was a little bitter.

beezlebub thought for a moment "really? what happened between you two? you've been working together for nearly 6000 years? i don't believe he could not like you"

"ehhh you know, here and there" he grins, "6 shots of expresso in a big cup, thanks nina" we winks at her, not giving her a chance to talk, still a huge smile on his face. as nina walks off, he drops the act completely and turns to beezlebub, frowning. "you don't have to believe it, doesn't change reality."

nina nodded and went off to get him the drink beezlebub waited for nina to leave then leaned in. "so aziraphale doesn't like you? what the hell did you do to do that? he bloodly admires you, well i believe so- did... did you hurt him or something..?"

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