thwarted by a malign star then back again

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Maggie leaned on the bench of her front desk which had multiple papers scattered on it, she let out a sigh and set down her pen on top of the papers.

"crowley why are you here? and where does all this whiskey come from? i dont keep any alcohol"

all that crowley has been doing is drinking since he left heave.. well ou would say 'left'..well it was more of being kicked out of heaven if you want to stick with the facts. what was crowley supposted to do? he was left feeling like he was a god damn monster, being thrown out and aziraphale not even saying a thing.. i broke crowley. his own friend and the one person he wanted to be with, the man he loved, HIS angel... it was too much, aziraphale was gone and crowley was alone. it was just crowley..

"you want one?" crowley miracles a bottle of fine wine to sit in front of maggie. he leans back against the wall, taking a sip of his own whisky. "i knew it wouldn't work out.. i shouldn't have gone in the first place..." he would mumble under his breath in a grumpy tone.

she gently shook her head and pushed it aside. maggie leaned in and tilted her head "crowley.. what happened? obviously it didnt work out; youd be with mister fell if it did... what happened when those angels took you away? did they take you to heaven?" she spoke slow and calmly, just trying to think of ways to help the two profound star crossed onsided lovers

well at least she was right to think the twos relationship was thwarted by a malign star

"they took me to see aziraphale.. i wasn't even given a choice. and i was right- he sent me back down to earth. aziraphale doesn't miss me, he misses the angel i used to be." he rambles, his thoughts a bit jumbled from his drink.

"why do i even bother." crowley rubs his face, letting out a dramatic sigh. he looks to maggie, his eyes asking for any sort of help

she stared and leaned on the table "crowley.. you bother because you love him... you told me that your self.. and you prove that eveyday. id say if you stick by what you believe in... one day he will see how much he needs you. it will come crowley" maggie stood up and put a nice record on with a bit of swing, a little modern but calm.

"i tried though, maggie! he is so sad with his position in heaven, i offered him my help, but he doesn't want me. he's moved on. now i need to as well." the star maker murmered and grumbled.

"besides, i think he's found a replacement for me?" crowley says unsurely, not considering the thought until now.

aggie walked over and put a hand on his shoulder "crowley, you can move on if you like but ill be honest ive never seen you really with anyone other than him-" suddenly there was the sound of a crash outside, a car alarm going of and the sound of wheels screeching.

it was dark and raining out so it wasnt the easiest to see, but the car lamps and the street lights lit up the street well enough "what the hell was that?!" maggie flinched and let go of crowley.

on nights like these it was intense and stormy, the stomach turning feeling of unease and danger shot through the two who stood in the record shop. the large front windows would pour out light from inside to land on the pavement which was soaked in a meloncoly grey rain. there was a car that had stopped and hit something in the middle of the road. many stood outside it as people from the cars behind came out with umbrellas to see the commotion... and this thing was beaming with unnatural light too...what on earth could it be?

maggie rushes out in a panic. crowley makes his way out of the shop behind her, seeming more interested than worried. outside, people surrounded the car, all in a quandary.

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